Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Never Looking Back

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-20 - Updated: 2010-04-21 - 655 words - Complete

Today was Friday the day were I decide to stay or go to a different asylum. This decision would either be good for me or be the worst mistake I ever made. Leaving this asylum would be scary for me, meeting new strangers trying not to go insane every time someone touches me. I would have to start all over again not knowing what would happen to me when the power goes out, maybe they’ll lock me and never let me back out.

Also leaving this asylum would be a big step in my life going out into the world for the first times in years, going to a whole new place something that could help me get better. I had no idea what I was going to do or what asylum I would be going to for that matter. I always wanted to go to California every since I was little I wanted to go but after being sent to an asylum that never happen.

Sitting outside on top of the wall makes me forget about the world and forgetting what I am supposed to be thinking about. However, by sitting out here also makes me think about Gerard, something I should not be thinking about. I look to me right were he would be sitting if he was out here, him and I be talking just like any other day I would be happy. Thinking about it makes me want to cry as if I have not done that enough already, I just need to let go already and move on.

I wish I could see into the future so I could see if by leaving is a good thing or the worst thing ever. No one can see the future, which is the reason why life is unfair. If I leave I know I would not meet anyone else I could not go through that again, I plan on shutting myself out from everyone. I am supposed to be the insane person that never lets anyone touch them. As I sit out here, I think about that hug I can picture it in my mind like as if it just happens, a memory I cannot let go of. I try not to the tears fall from my eyes but thinking about him is hard not too.

I never thought this would happen to me the insane person meet someone like him. He is everything I ever wanted in someone but not anymore, the trust I had is gone. I was stupid enough for trusting him in the first place; I should have never done that. Should I blame him for something I knew deep down he could not help, it was not his fault the nurse took me away I should know there was nothing he could have done. I keep reminding myself he broke his promise I could also see it in his eyes he was sorry, I could see the hurt in his eyes when I said I hated him. That memory will not leave my mind no matter how hard I try to push it out.

After sitting out here for hours it was time to go in, I had to meet the doctor and tell him what I deiced to do. I got off from the top of the wall and started walking towards the doors. As I was walking I still had no idea what I should do I had to make up my mind fast. Big part of me wanted to stay just to fix what was broken, the other half wanted to leave and never come back. Before I even knew it, I was walking into his office with unmade up mind.

“Hello Frank. Have you deiced what you are going to do? “The doctor asks

I took a deep breath and said,

“Yes I have I deiced too…”

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