Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum


by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-22 - Updated: 2010-04-23 - 524 words - Complete

I could leave forever with one word I would be on my way to a new asylum all I had to do was say I want to leave. I would never see this place again I would never be the same again and I would never see Gerard again, I have been wanting this for a week now so why can’t I just say it? Part of me knows if I leave, it will either make me better or make everything worst.

“I deiced to stay, “I said

“Are you sure? I’m glad you want to stay but are you really sure,” The doctor ask

“ Honesty I have no idea but I’m going to stay leaving this asylum wont change me, so why not stay, “ I replied.

“If you change your mind then just let me know, “The doctor said

I just nod before I walk out of his office I should feel happy about this I should feel something but that feeling never came. I do not think I would be happy with staying or leaving I do not know why I even bother to go through all of that trouble.

What difference would had it make if I left it is not as I was leaving to get better I should just face the fact I wanted to leave because of him. A small part of me did want to leave just be in a new place see how I would react but fear push that feeling away. I made my way towards the outside I always felt better sitting outside daydreaming I never understood why. I push open the glass doors, made my way to the brick wall, and sat down on top.

I’m the close to freedom with just one jump I could be free but since it’s a long way down I would die before I ever got to enjoy the freedom. I know there’s one way to leave this place it’s called getting better I often thought about it but somehow fear comes along and pushes the feeling away. I sit and wonder what California would be like that way the asylum I wanted to go too. Being away from this place did not sound half-bad but going a new strange place was my problem, I knew within the first couple of seconds I would want to come back here.

After sitting outside for an hour I headed back inside it seems like I do the same thing everyday go outside for an hour and come back in what a life I have. As I was heading back to my room I saw Gerard talking to his doctor, I hide behind the corner and tried to listen in.

“Are you sure you want to leave? “ The doctor ask

“Yes I’m sure I know this asylum can help me out with my fear,” Gerard said.

“Then I’ll get everything together. You’ll be leaving in three days” The doctor replied.

I could not believe what I heard Gerard was leaving.

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