Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Never Wanted This

by xFamousLivingDeadx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-24 - Updated: 2010-04-25 - 739 words - Complete

I was still standing there I still could not believe he was leaving. It is funny thinking one minute I was so angry with him that I even told him I hate him but yet I stand here while my heart is breaking. I thought maybe this is some kind of joke that his not leaving, I realize I was not laughing that it was real. Just like that I ran towards my room I had to let my angry out I how to do something, as soon as I got in my room I slam the door as hard as I could. I could feel the tears coming down my face he cannot leave I should hate him but I have to face it I cannot hate him.

I stand in my room for three days I would not leave I know I should be telling him to stay but he would not listen to me I told him I hated him his probably done forgot about me. I look outside my window to see Gerard standing there as they loaded up the van with his stuff.

I could not take it any longer I ran out of my room I could not be silent’s anymore I ran towards the doors that lead to the front of the building. I could hear nurses calling my name but I did not stop I kept running until I got to Gerard. Once I did, he just looks at me as if he did not think I would come out here.

“Please don’t leave, “I whisper

“Why are you telling me to stay you hate me remember, “He said with sadness in his eyes.

“I’m sorry I never meant to say that. I could never hate you I was just angry I knew there was nothing you could have done. “I said while trying to keep my tears from falling.

“I knew you could never hate me. Do not cry Frankie, “He replied.

He called me Frankie no one has ever called me that before it felt nice I felt special in some weird way. I could not help but to cry he was leaving me forever.

“How can I not? You are leaving I never had to a chance to tell you how sorry I am until now. Please do not leave me, “I said while letting the tears fall.

“I’m sorry but I have to go, I need to get better. I will never forget you, “He said while wiping my tears away.

I just let the tears keep falling I could not stop crying if I could go back in time and take back what I said before he would not be leaving.

“Please don’t leave me I need you here. I almost left this place too but I kept thinking about you. You are the only one who I let hug me and I did not go insane. I cannot do this without you, don’t leave me, “I beg while crying.

“You do not need me you can get better on your own. I just showed you that I would never hurt you and that you can always trust me. This is not the end Frankie we will meet again, “He replied.

I could not let him go without doing this one last thing. And just like that I kiss him I could not careless what the nurse thought I could not care less that my fear was taking over me, I knew if I did not do this I may never get another chance. He started to kiss back his soft lips on mine made me forgot about him leaving. He pulled part and look at me with tears in his eyes.

“You kiss me without going insane, “He said while letting his tears fall.

“I knew if I did not kiss you I may never get that chance ever again. Do not leave me I need you here, “I said while more tears kept falling.

“I’m glad you did. I am sorry for leaving you but I have too I will never forget you, “He replied.

“I’ll never forget you, “I whisper.

The nurses called his name and just like that, he got into the van. I stood there crying my eyes out as I watch the van pull away. And just like that, he was gone.
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