Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Never Getting Better

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-27 - Updated: 2010-04-28 - 670 words - Complete

Weeks have past since Gerard left all I ever do is stay in his room hoping he will open the door and everything would be normal again. The door never open I have not seen my room in weeks; I will not leave his room. Today the nurses made me leave to go to therapy I did all I could not to go I went insane but the just kept dragging me down the hall into the therapy room. I would not look at the woman who was sitting in front of me her name was Carmela.

“Frank you need to talk, “Carmela said for the third time. She has been trying to get me to something just to speak but no words come out of my mouth. I just keep staring at the window wishing I was out there anywhere besides here.

“Come on Frank let me know how you feel, “She says. Again I keep silent I have nothing to say I just want Gerard back.

“The longer you keep silent the longer you’ll stay in here. Please just tell me how you feel, “She said while trying to get me to say anything. Finally, I speak the faster I talk the faster I can leave this damn room.

“I want him back,” I whisper

“Who do you want back Frank,” She asks

“Gerard. He left me I want him back, “I replied. I could feel the tears building up in my eye.

“Frank you know he went to get better, you need to let go,” She said.

“Let go? I am not letting go damn it! “I yelled in angry. She has not right to tell me what to do, she has no idea how it feels when someone you start to fall for leaves you.

“Clam down I’m sorry I said that. However, you do need to learn his gone Frank his at a different asylum. You need to start getting better and push him aside for now, “She replied.

“I will not get better there’s no need for me to get better. The only person that I was trying to get better for left me. I have no desire to get better anymore, “I said while looking at her. I had no desire to get better anymore after he left I deiced to give up on getting better.

“You cannot let that stop you from getting better. Just because Gerard left does not mean for you to stop getting better. You should not let one person stop you from doing something I know you want to do, “She replied.

“You have no idea how I feel damn it. All these years of staying at this asylum I not once wanted to get better. I never let anyone hug me. Everything change when I met Gerard he was the first person I let in, his the first person to hug me where I did not go insane. His first person I ever kiss to where I did not go insane. So do not tell me I should let go or that I should not stop getting better just because he left, you have no fucking idea how much I need him, “I said while breaking down.

I could feel the tears going down my face it is the first time I cried in weeks I wanted Gerard back, I need him here with me.

“I had no idea Frank and I am sorry. However, you should not depend on Gerard to get better you should get better on your own, “She said while still not caring how I felt.

“I’m done I do not need to sit here and listen to you when you could not give a damn, “I said before walking out of her office. I ran back to Gerard’s room where I lay on his bed and cried myself to sleep hoping when I woke up this would all be a dream.

Short update. Thanks for the reviews
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