Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

No One Seems To Care

by xFamousLivingDeadx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-30 - Updated: 2010-05-01 - 900 words - Complete

Today would be one month since Gerard left. One whole month without seeing him, without talking to him. I never been the same I never wanted to leave his room the nurses keep trying to kick me out I never moved finally they all gave up. I needed to see him I needed to know he was all right; I got off from the bed and headed out. Somehow, some way I was going to go see Gerard either they would let me or I was going to break out. I walk towards the doctor’s office I walk in to see the doctor at his decks.

“Hello Frank, what brings you here, “The doctor asks.

“I want to see Gerard I need to see him, “I said.

“Frank you know you won’t last a minute out there you go insane every time someone touches you won’t make it out there, “The doctor replied.

“I do not care I can push my fear aside please let me see him, “I pleaded. The truth was I did not think I could push my fear away but if it meant I had to lie to see Gerard then I did not care.

“What’s with you? Ever since Gerard left you never been the same, you wont leave his room. What happen” He asks

“Gerard left me that’s what happen to me. He was the only person I ever let touch me, his the only one who hug me without me going insane. He made me see that I needed to get better that living this life was not a life. But after he left me no longer care to get better, I just want to see him, “I replied in hoping the doctor would let me.

“I did not know this Frank, but you have to know Gerard is at a different asylum his getting better. You cannot just go see him thinking everything will be normal again, “Doctor said.

“I’m so fucking tired of everything trying to tell me to let go or I need to face the fact that he is gone. I fucking know that damn it. No one understands he help me I trusted him, the only person I ever trusted is gone. I should have known this would have been as waste of my time because no one gives a damn how I feel, “I yelled in angry. I was ready to leave his office I should have known he would not let me go.

“If he means that much to you then I’ll let you go see him. I know you will not let this go until you. I will call the asylum to let them know you are coming. You can go tomorrow, “Doctor replied.

I could not believe it I was going to go see Gerard I was beyond happy for the first in months. I walk out of office as a happy person I never wanted this feeling to go away.

*Next Day*

Today could not come sooner I was on my way to see Gerard I will not lie I was beyond scared the fear of being out in the real world was scaring me. I was in the van watching the tress passing by I was trying to stay clam trying not to go insane. Before I knew it, I was at the asylum the van pulled up at the gates, as the gates open the van pulled in. The van pulled up at the front of the doors, half of me wanted to jump out already and go in. The other part of me wanted to stay in the van where it was safe I was not use to this going to a different new place.

Once the van stop I knew, I had to go in to see Gerard I open the van doors and got out. The asylum was beyond big it was all brick and old. I slowly made my way towards the doors I could hear the nurses follow behind me. I open the doors and walk in the asylum look way bigger on the inside then out.

“Stay right here Frank we’ll go see what room Gerard’s in, “One of the nurses said.

I stood still I was too afraid to move I did not like this place I could feel the fear building up I should have never came here it was a bad idea but I had to see Gerard I was doing this for him. The nurse came back and told me to look for room 109. I did not think I could do this only walking around in a place I never knew but I had to look for Gerard. I did not think he would be in his room I knew one place he would be at, I started to walk off slowly trying to stay clam. I walk down a long hallway I thought would never end I ended up at the sundeck that had. I open the doors to see Gerard sitting on top of the wall. I ran towards him all the fear I had left me. Once I got close, I saw him turn around and look at me before saying,


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