Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Can't Do This Without You

by xFamousLivingDeadx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-03 - Updated: 2010-05-04 - 719 words - Complete

He looks at me with a smile that same smile I miss so much. My heart was beating beyond fast I knew it was because of him. All the fear I had with me was gone I no longer feared I was too busy being happy, he jump down and hug me. I almost forgot what it was like to be in his arms, any other person hugging me I would have went insane but the insane part no longer came when I was with him. He let go of me and look at me.

“What are you doing here, “He ask

“I wanted to see you. It has been a month yesterday since you left I could not take it any longer. I beg my doctor to let me see. I stay in your room because it’s the only place reminds me off you besides the sundeck.” I replied.

“You’ll never know how much sorry I am for leaving you. I thought by leaving you would no longer hate me. When you came at before I left, I was shock I did not think you would care. “He said while looking at me.

“I told you I never hated you I was just angry at the nurses for taking me away, I never meant to take my angry out on you. “ I said.

“I knew you could never hate me I’m just happy to hear you say that. “ He said before hugging me once again.

“I miss you I broke down a lot of times because of you. “ I said while trying not to cry.

In the moment in time, I knew I was falling for him I feel for him hard if this was, love then I never wanted this feeling to go away.

“I miss you too so much. Don’t cry I’m here now, “He whisper

He was here now but not for longer, I knew it was be soon before I would have to leave, not being able to see him for god knows how long. I try not to think about leaving I just wanted to enjoy this moment for now.

“I stop trying to get better, “I whisper. He let go of me and look at me.

“Why? “ He ask

“I no longer wont to get better, you were the only person that I wanted to get better for to show I could push all my fear away and be a normal person. Since you have left I no longer care to get better, “I replied.

“Do not stop getting better just because I left Frank. I want you to leave the asylum and go out to live your life. Do not stay just because I am not longer there I know deep down you want to get better, “He said.

“I always wanted to get better I just never showed it until you came into my life. You should be I could be a whole another person the person I always wanted to be. I cannot do this without you I know I cannot, “I said trying to make him understand.

I could not do this without him he help me in so many ways I know his only been in my life for a short amount of time but I did not care, he was the only reason I wanted to get better.

“Yes you can I know you can because I believe in you, I believe that you can get better. If I can give it a try, so can you. “He replied.

“I can’t make promises that I will but if you think I can then I can always give it a try. “ I said. Maybe I should give it a shot what else do I have to lose. Even though deep down I knew I could not do this without him.

“I know you can do this, “He said while still looking at me with those hazel eyes.

There was something I had to tell him before he was too late and before I left without seeing him again. I just hope he felt the same way. I look at him while looking in his eyes before saying,

“There’s something I need to tell you…”

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