Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

And When You Know

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-05 - Updated: 2010-05-06 - 609 words - Complete

I froze I wanted to say badly how I felt about him and that maybe I was in love with him. I had no idea if this was love I never been in love. I always feared people so falling in love was never something I had planned. Every time I am with him, I get this weird feeling all over a feeling that I never won’t to get away. I smile every time I see his face; my heart beats faster when he hugs me. Maybe I was in love if this was love then I wanted to keep this love forever.

“What is it, “He ask while waiting for to go on

“I can’t just forget it, “I said while backing out. Fear got in the way fear always gets in the way no matter what I hate fear it ruins your life.

“Why not? Just tell me, “He said

“I can’t fear got in the way, I’m a afraid you’ll hate me, “I whisper

“I could never hate you Frank. If you do not won’t to tell me then you do not have too. However, I wish you did I can see how much this is killing you, “He replied while hugging me.

There was that feeling the feeling I get every time he hug me. I lay my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat it made me feel clam and forget everything else.

“It’s hard I do want to tell you so badly but I just don’t won’t you to hate me which you will, “I said

“Like I said I could never hate you even if I tried I could never. Just tell me when you are ready, “He replied still hugging me.

The problem was would I ever be ready to push fear aside and just tell him I felt. I knew if I did not tell him I may never get a another chance too and I would go on living in life not knowing if he could possibly felt the same way.

I hate fear it always got in the way no matter how hard I tried to push it away if I did not get over my fears I knew I would live the rest of my life in fear. Fear could ruin my chance of ever telling him I feel. I could never tell him the feeling I could every time I was around him or how I smiled every time I saw his face. And how much my heart beats every time he hugs me.

“How do you know if you are in love, “I ask while breaking the silent. I could not believe I just ask that question.

“Why you ask? Do you think you are in love with someone, “He asks while letting go of me. I could see the sadness in his eyes, I wonder why.

“I just wonder I never been in love before so I often think about what love feels like, “I said while looking at him. It was true I did often thought about what love felt like, I just wanted to know if this feeling I had for him was love.

“You know when you are in love when you get a weird feeling every time you’re with that person. That you smile every time you see their face or anytime you are with them. That when that person hugs you, your heartbeats fast, that is when you know, “He replied.

Just then I had finally realize, I was in love with Gerard.

Short Upate. Will Upate again
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