Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Never Say Goodbye

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-05 - Updated: 2010-05-06 - 1047 words - Complete

In that moment, I knew I was in love with Gerard. I only had known him for a month but I did not care. It was scaring me I never loved someone before I never felt this way towards anyone so I did not know what I should do. I could tell him how I felt that every time I saw his face I smiled or every time he hugs me my hearts beats fast, however I could not tell him and just keep this to my self.

“Have you ever been in love, “I ask while we sit on top of the wall.

“I thought I have once but then I realize it was not love. However, there is this person who I think I am falling for, “He replied.

And just like that, my heart drop it seems like someone just rip it out, he met someone I knew he had. His been here for a month he was going to met someone new eventually.

“Does this person live here, “I ask trying not show any sadness.

“No. This person stays where you’re at, “He said not looking at me.

I was taken back I thought he would have said yes I never seen him talk to anyone else but then again I was never with him every day.

“Do I know this person, that is if you do not mind me asking, “I said.

“You can say that. What is up the 21 questions, “He replied while laughing a bit.

Because I wanted to know who you like I thought to myself. I should not be asking so many questions but I cannot help it I want to know who this person is.

“I’m just wondering who you like, “I said while not looking at him.

“Well let me ask you who do you like, “He asks

My heart stop my mind froze I could not say him there is no way. Maybe I could just say nobody but then he would start asking why I ask how do you know if you are in love.

“No one, “I lied.

“You’re lying I can tell you like someone, come tell me. “ He begs.

Maybe I should just tell him I mean after all we did kiss so that should count, right? Just as I was about to speak I heard the door open, I turn to see the nurses coming to get me. I could not leave and not tell him how I really felt.

“Come on Frank, it’s time to leave, “The nurses said.

“Gerard before I go there’s something I have to tell you. Please do not hate me for I am about to say, I am in love with you, “I whisper the last part.

“You what, “He said while looking shock.

“I’m in love with you. You’re the person who’s makes me smile every time I see you. You are the person who makes my heart beat fast every time I hug you, “I replied hoping he would not hate me.

He just look at me as if he could not believe what I just said I knew then he did not feel the same way, I jump down the wall running towards the door to go inside where the nurses were. I could not believe I told him I loved him I should have never. I should have just stayed away from him I should have just gone insane when he first hug me, I should have never wanted to come here. I kept running I could hear Gerard calling my name I did not stop I just wanted to leave to never come back. It was not until I felt someone grab my hand I was about to scream when I turn to see Gerard.

“Please just let go, I just want to leave, “I said tying to hold the tears back.

“You never gave me a chance to talk. I wanted to say you are that person who I am falling for. What I am saying is I love you too, “He replied.

I could not believe what I just heard I was shock. I was beyond happy I could not believe he loved me too. And just then I realize I had to leave I had to leave this place not knowing if I was ever coming back.

“I’m glad you love me too. I could not leave without you knowing, I know I am not the best person to fall in love with but I am glad you love me, “I said with a smile.

“Do not say that, you are the best person. I could care less that you go insane, I just hope you do not stop getting better. And that soon we will be together, “He replied.

And just like that, I kiss him. I could not leave without kissing him one last time, I heard the nurses calling my name again I pulled apart and look at him.

“This is not goodbye we will meet again, we will be together soon, “I said.

“I know I can not wait for that day, “He replied.

“Neither can I, so for now I must say goodbye, “I said

“Goodbye, “He said.

I walk towards the doors to go back inside. The nurses lead the way towards the front doors I started to think maybe this would be the last time I would ever see Gerard again, I tried so hard not to think about it. Maybe he would find someone else, someone who was staying here and did not go insane like me. Once I got outside I got in the van and the van pulled out of the asylum. I could feel the tears build up in my eyes my heart felt like it has been torn in half I would never been the same without him.

I could not get better without him he was the only reason I wanted too. I had to try I had to at least give it a shot, to prove that I could get better. I also realize this could be the last time I ever saw Gerard again.

Second update. Thanks for the reivews,rate. Review?
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