Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Run Away

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-06 - Updated: 2010-05-07 - 668 words - Complete

I spent the whole ride back crying I finally got him and now I had to leave him, maybe even forever. It seem like the ride back was taking forever, as soon as it pulled up at the asylum I jump out. I did not care to wait on the nurse I knew what I had to do, some how I was going to be where Gerard was. I ran towards the doctor’s office I ran inside to see him sitting at his decks.

“How did it go, “The doctor ask

“I want to go where Gerard is, “I said not bothering answering his question.

“I was afraid that would happen. I am sorry Frank I cannot let that happen, you have not showed any signs of getting better you need to stay here, “The doctor replied.

“I’m trying to get better I can go get better over there, you have to let me go, “I said while pleading

“Frank you go insane every time you are in the dark; you go insane every time some touches you or when you are left alone with strangers. Just because Gerard is there does not mean all of that will go away, just because you did not go insane does not mean it will not happen again, you need to stay here, “ The doctor said while looking at me.

“It’s not fucking fair just because I go insane you will not let me leave. I am trying so hard to get better and here I am trying to go to another place to get help you will not let me, you could care less, “I said in angry.

“That’s not true Frank. You never wanted to get better until you met Gerard, what change that, “Doctor asks.

“Because for the first damn time in my life I felt safe with someone. Someone I hardly knew showed me he would never hurt me. I fell in love that is what happen. Someone loves me back for who I am and does not care I go insane I am face with my fears. Someone who has been helping over come with my fears but you had to send him away, like I said you could care less, “ I said while the tears coming down my face.

“Frank you know falling in love with someone here is wrong; we do not allow that at this asylum. Knowing that you will no longer visit Gerard, “The doctor said.

I felt my heart stop I felt has if part of me just died I could not believe what I just heard. I should have never told him I was in love but then again I never thought the doctor would be such a fucking homophobe.

“Since when was that a fucking rule! You are just doing that because you are a damn homophobe, “I yelled in angry I was beyond angry and sad.

“That has always been a rule here Frank gay or not gay. We do not allow anyone dating here. Now go I am done talking with you now, “The doctor said.

“Go hell, “I scream while slamming the door behind me.

I could feel the tears pouring down my face as I ran towards Gerard’s old room once I got there I slam the door behind me. I lay on his bed and cried I could not believe this was happening to me, I hated that doctor he could not do this. I felt as if I died like my heart no longer beat anymore, I cried harder thinking of the fact I would never see Gerard again.

I could not let this happen there was no way I was going to let the doctor stop me from seeing Gerard. Some how I was going to be with him, if it took me running away then so be it. Tomorrow night I was running away from this asylum for good.

Short Update. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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