Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Halfway Gone

by xFamousLivingDeadx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-09 - Updated: 2010-05-10 - 665 words - Complete

I spent the whole night crying in Gerard’s old room. I could not believe that asshole of a doctor told me I could never see Gerard again. I hated that doctor I was going to see Gerard some how I just had to plan it all out. I was going to runway but getting out of here was going to be a problem.

There were nurses at every door making sure no one tried to escape. I remember how to get to the asylum it only took about 35 minutes or so by car I knew it would take longer by foot but I did not care.

I left the room trying to figure out a way to escape I needed a plan. I walk down the long hallway going towards the front door. Every night around nine all the nurses went on a long break for about 20 minutes. That would have to be my time to escape.

It was only eight in the morning so I had a long time before I would leave. I walk towards my room the nurses have been watching ever since the whole thing with the doctor. I was going to act as I did not care and maybe they would just leave me alone. I sit down on my bed trying to act as if not seeing Gerard ever again did not bother me. Sitting here made me think about him even more I had to go outside the only place I felt myself.

I got off the bed walk towards the sundeck it also reminded me of Gerard everything reminded me of him. By running away, I could get in so much trouble I knew when the doctors found out I would either be sent back here or worst sent far away. I had to run away I had to be with Gerard he was the only person who made me feel normal.

I walk outside to see on top of the wall once I got up there I look towards where Gerard would be sitting if he were here. I could feel the tears already building up in my eyes it was killing me not having him here with me. He made me feel like I was a normal person that I did not go insane every time I was face with my fears, not all of that mattered to him.

I wish I could make time go faster that way I would be with him by now. I never thought as long as I lived I would never meet someone who I would fall for. One of my fears was being around strangers I would always go insane every time someone would touch me, but when Gerard hug me I push my fear aside.

I am not saying I am fix that all my fears are long because my fears are still with me, my fears all go away when I am with Gerard. If I told anyone that that person would think, I was weird or I never had fears to begin with. I cannot explain why my fears go away when I am with Gerard it just happens.

After hours of sitting outside I walk back inside I still had a long time to go, I walk back into my room maybe if I go to sleep it will be time to go.

*hours later*

I woke up to see it was nighttime I jump up to see if was past nine clock I felt my heart drop I knew I had ruin my chance. I walk out of my room towards the front door to see no one around I still had time. This would be my only time to escape I had to just go, the doors was no lock and the alarm was off. I look around to make sure no one was coming and just like that, I walk out and ran.

Short Update. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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