Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Please Dont Be Mad

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-17 - Updated: 2010-05-18 - 742 words - Complete

I ran towards the brick wall it was not very tall it was about my height I could easily climb right over it. I look back to make sure no one saw me no one was around, once I got to the brick wall I started to climb. I got to the top I look down and jump, I was finally free. I ran to the right I remember going this way, the wind was getting colder by the minute.

Once I knew I was far away from the asylum I stop running I started to walk, the roads were wet from the rain. I could feel my heart beating fast I did not know if it was from all the running or fear setting in. I never been out from the gate without someone it was completely new feeling to me, I was beyond scared. I kept looking behind to make sure no one was following me or coming to get me.

I tried to stay clam I kept thinking soon I would be with Gerard I would not longer feel scared. No matter how hard I tried to tell myself that I kept getting more scared I should have never ran away. What if Gerard does not won’t me there? Maybe he does not won’t to be with me after all, he probably just said he does to make me feel happy for once. I tried pushing all of those thoughts out of my mind I could not think like that.

I have been walking for 20 minutes or maybe longer then that I had no idea how long I really been walking. I was beyond tired I wanted to stop to rest but I could not I had to make to the asylum before it got dark or before they realize I was gone. I wonder what would happen when the nurses realize I am gone they would probably come after me, but then again they have no idea where I am.

Cars kept passing by every time one would pass my heart starting to race with fear, thinking it was the doctor coming for me or some stranger grabbing me. I could feel my hands start to shake I could not go insane I had to stay strong I had to push the feeling of going insane away. Just on, the top of the road I saw the asylum I smiled I finally made it. I ran towards the gate to see it was open I did not care if only saw me, once I got inside the gate I ran to the doors.

All the fear had left me I could finally be with Gerard; I push open the doors and walk in. No one was around I close the door behind me. I knew where Gerard would be so I started to look for the sundeck. I walk down the dark hallways were the fear feeling started to come back I was not going insane.

Couple of minutes later I got to the sundeck to see Gerard sitting on top of the wall I was finally here. I push open the doors not caring if he heard me or not. I could not take it any longer I ran towards him once I got to him he turn around and look at me.

“Frank what are you doing here, “He ask

“I ran away, “I replied hoping he would not care.

“Why did you do that, “He asks while jumping down.

“The doctor told me I could never see you again. I told him I wanted to come here and stay he wanted to know why so I told him. He said it was wrong for me to love you, he said he would never let me see you again. I could not let that happen, so I ran away. Please do not be mad at me, “I said while trying not to cry.

“I could never be mad at you. Screw that doctor he does know anything about love it is not wrong. I am glad you came here, we will get this all work out some how, “He replied while hugging me.

And for the first time in three days, I felt safe once again, but I knew deep down this feeling would not last long.

Short update. Thanks for the reviews, I'm glad everyone loves this story it means a lot. Review?
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