Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Never Be Ready

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-24 - Updated: 2010-05-25 - 717 words - Complete

I woke up see I was a room I never see before. I look around to see no one was here, I began to panic I hated being alone when I was in a strange place. I jump off the bed trying to figure out where I was just then the door open my heart was racing but then I saw Gerard I ran towards him and hug him.

“What’s wrong, “He ask while hugging me back

“I woke up I had no idea where I was, but now I remember, “I replied while sitting hugging him.

“Sorry I did not mean to leave you alone but I had to go to therapy. There is something I have to tell you, “He said while letting go of me to look at me.

I knew what was coming my doctor found out I was gone they were going to take me back I could feel it.

“Their going to take me back, “I said in fear.

“My doctor asks me how did you get here and why was you here. I explain to him that we met at the old asylum where you were staying. I explain to him what all that had been going on that you felt safe with me and how you doctor said it was wrong to be with me. My doctor said it was very wrong of you to run away but he was going to talk to your doctor into trying to let you stay, “He said.

“I know it was wrong of me to run away but the fact of not seeing you again, I could not let that happen. And I know I need to get better, “I replied while looking at him.

He hug me as if he did not won’t to let me go, I never wanted him to let me go. He was the only person I would let touch me any other person I would have gone insane. I still go insane with I am face with my fears not going insane coming here was not easy, I am beyond not better. Just then, there was a knock at the door, Gerard’s doctor walk in.

“Hello Frank, would you mind coming with me. We need to talk, “The doctor said.

My heart stop I could tell by the sound of his voice the news was not good and the fact this doctor was a stranger did not help. I could not go with him without going insane but if I wanted to stay here, I had to at least try not to go insane.

“If you need me I’ll be here okay. Nothing will happen to you, his a nice doctor, “Gerard said while letting go of me.

I nod my head I was to afraid to speak I follow the doctor down the hallway it was half dark and half light, I could feel my hands start to shake I could not stand the dark, I could not do this I needed to find light. I was not strong enough to make it without going insane and just like that, I took off. I could hear the doctor but it was no use I was already gone I was not going back there. I had to find light I was too afraid I forgot where Gerard’s room was. It felt like I was running around in circles I kept running in the same places I could not find any light, just then I heard someone call my name. I stop to see Gerard standing in the hallway, I ran towards him. Once I got to him, I hug him I needed to clam down before I went even more insane.

“What happen Frank, “He ask.

“The hallways were dark I try to make it but I could not. I just ruin my chance of staying, “I replied.

“Clam down its okay. The doctor came to me and ask me to find you, he just told me when you are ready to talk to him just come to his office, “He said while still hugging me.

That is the problem I did not think I would ever be ready.

Sorry about the long wait, short update. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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