Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

A Big Step

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-26 - Updated: 2010-05-27 - 728 words - Complete

An hour has gone by since I went insane I was in Gerard’s room tying to find the courage to go met with the doctor. Every time I try to leave I would just sit back down I knew I had to do this this was my only way I could stay.

“Are you ready to go met the doctor, “Gerard ask

“I do not think I’ll ever be ready, but I have to get this over with. Will you walk with me to his office, “I ask hoping he would.

“Of course. Let’s go, “He said as he took my hand. We headed down the hallway it was still half dark and half-light I could feel my hands start to shake but I remember I had Gerard with me so I clam down a little. Before I even knew it, we were at office.

“If you need me for anything I’ll be in my room, “Gerard said while looking at me.

I nod my head before he left I watch as he walk away I turn towards the door I could do this, I slowly reach out to turn the door knob once I did I slowly made my way in.

“Hello Frank, “The doctor said behind his desk.

“Hello, “I whisper. I sit down in one of the chairs.

“I must say I never had anyone run away from an asylum to come to another one before. You know what you did was wrong but I understand where you are coming from, “The doctor said.

I was shock I thought the doctor would be all angry and tell me how wrong it was for me to runaway and that he was sending me back right away.

“You do, “I ask in a whisper.

“Yes I do. Gerard told me about your fears and how you go insane with your face with them. He also told me that he was the only person who hug you and you did not go insane, that is a big step. I did not think its wrong for you to want to be with someone when that person makes you feel safe. I think by being here with Gerard you would get better, then being at your asylum, “The doctor replied.

“It was a big step no one has ever touch me without me going insane, it was weird. It was the first time I felt safe like someone was not going to hurt me, that I could slowly learn how to trust them. I tried telling my doctor all of that but he would not listen, he kept telling me how wrong it was, “I said while feeling a little bit better being in here.

“I understand and I think by someone having that effect on someone is amazing. It is weird how people get better but as long as they do then that is all it should matter. That is where I think your doctor is wrong that it is not wrong for you to feel like towards Gerard. I would really like for you to come stay here, where I think you would be better off, “The doctor said.

“Really? I could come to stay here, “I ask

“If that’s what you want then I think you should, it would do you a lot of good. Your doctor has no say so anymore, so if you want then your welcome to stay, “The doctor replied.

“I want to stay, “I said. I felt beyond happy I could finally stay here and be with Gerard.

“Alright then, until we get a room for you, you can stay with Gerard, “The doctor said.

I was beyond happy that is all I wanted was to stay here. After we talk I headed back towards Gerard’s room. The hallway still scared me so I just ran threw it trying not to let the feat take over, once I did I felt relieved. I made it to Gerard’s room I walk in to see him sitting on his bed.

“So how did it go, “He ask while looking at me.

“I’m staying, “I replied with a smile.

He got off the bed to hug me, I was happy that I could stay. I was just scared that I could not get better.

Another update. Review?
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