Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Afraid Of Change

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-01 - Updated: 2010-06-02 - 558 words - Complete

Today I would be meeting with the doctor once again to talk about everything. My doctor came here and tried every way to make me come back to the other asylum but I told him I was not leaving, finally he left. I was still scared being alone with Gerard’s doctor I hardly know him. I was sitting in his office waiting for him to come in. Just then, the door open and walk in the doctor.

“Hello Frank, “The doctor said while sitting down.

“Hello, “I mumble more like to myself.

“I have read over your records. It says you have thee fears, one the dark, second one is being left alone with strangers and the other one being touch. Is that all true, “The doctor ask while looking at me.

“Yes, “I whisper

“May I ask why where all these fears came from? “ The doctor ask

“I just never like the dark, always find it scary. I never trust people anymore so when some stranger touches me I go insane same as being left alone with people who I do not even know, “I replied.

“Do you think you could get over your fears, could you work on getting over the fears each day, “Doctor asks.

Honesty I had no idea I always thought about getting better getting over my fears, but it never happen. I have grown with the fact I would never change that I would always have these fears.

“I have no idea, I always thought about changing getting over my fears, but it never happens. I am scared what life would be like if I did get better, what if it is not the life I want, “I said.

“But is this the kind of life you want? Having these fears forever, I do not think that is what you want, “The doctor said while looking at me.

I had no idea what kind of life I wanted part of me did not care about getting better, I was so use to living this life I did not care to live a normal life. The other part of me always wonder what would life be like if I could just get rid of these fears and be a happy person.

“I do not know what I want in life; part of me does not care to change while the other part does, “I replied.

“Here’s what I will do I will give you some time to think about what you really want to do. If you want to change, I will help you get over your fears. If you decide not to change then we will work on what will happen, but I think you will want to change, “The doctor said.

After an hour of talking I left his office I had a week to decide what I wanted to do, this was going to be hard. All I had to do was say the word and I could go living the normal life I always kind of wanted, I could also say I did not want to change and something else would happen. I knew there was one person who could help me, and that person was Gerard.

So sorry about the wait, and shortness I have been beyond busy. Will update soon. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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