Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

My Dream World

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-09 - Updated: 2010-06-10 - 537 words - Complete

I walk towards Gerard’s room hoping he would be in there, once I got to the door I open it to see him laying on his bed. I smiled as I walk in I hope he could help me on which I should do.

“So how did it go this time, “He ask while sitting up.

“The doctor gave me a choice I could either get better or I could not meaning I might have to go some where else I don’t know. Part of me really does want to get better but then the other part is scared what if I do not look who I’ll be once I get better, “ I said while sitting beside him.

“Fear is only in our minds which controls us. You cannot let fear win no matter how much you are scared. I understand it is scary getting better your so use to who you are you fear will not like the person who will become, “He replied.

He could not be more far from right I was scared who I would become getting better means I would be a whole another person I do not think it is something I won’t but then again I always wonder what it would be like living life fearless.

“I am scared who I would become I so use to who I am I may not like the person I would be once I got better, “I said while looking him.

“I think you will be the same old person you always are, just fear free. I think you should give it a try you never know until you try, I mean look at me I am getting over my fear, “He said.

“I think I would be too but something tells me I could change who I am. I would love to live my life fear free without worrying about being alone in the dark or worrying about someone touching me, that is my dream world, “I replied.

That was my dream world without having any frees I would always sit and think about living in a world like that. I could finally leave the asylum forever something I always wanted.

“That dream world could come to life if you gave getting better a chance. I would be there for you every step of the way, “He said while looking at me.

I am glad he said that I do not think I could get better on my own without him, I would not even think about getting better if it was not for him.

“I hope you would say that because I do not think I could do this on my own. I wanted to give this a chance I want to get better, “I said.

“I’m glad to hear you say that, and then maybe one day we could both leave this place forever, “He said.

I lay my head on his shoulder thinking about what he said I could see us both leaving this place forever, but I cannot help but wonder what would happen to us if we ever did leave.

Sorry about the shortness, will update later. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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