Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Where Fear Comes From

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-20 - Updated: 2010-07-09 - 1492 words - Complete

I always wonder where my fears come from as far as I can remember but were did my fears come from is another story. I cannot remember why I have these fears I think I know why I hate people touching me, everyone I let in my life has shown me trust is something I can’t have in people so I fear every time someone touches me that the person will hurt me. I think that is goes along with being left alone with strangers but I have no idea where being in the dark comes from.

I would be meeting a girl name Stacey. She would be helping me getting better I hate talking to strangers that is where my fear comes in. I was sitting in a big office like place it had two windows but it was somewhat dark on the inside, it was not too dark for me. I heard the door open and in walk Stacey.

“Hello Frank, my name is Stacey, “She said while sitting down in front of me.

“Hey,” I whisper. I always whisper when I get scared it takes me a long time to get use to new people but it was not every time I got use to someone I always went insane.

“Don’t be afraid of me, I’m here to help you get better, “She replied.

I never believe anyone who said that besides Gerard, he was the only person I trust. I did not feel right talking to her I would feel better talking to Gerard then her.

“I never believe anyone who says that besides one person, “I said while not looking at her.

“I know it’s going to take some time in order for you to trust me but I do want to help you. So Frank lets begin why do you go insane whenever you are left in the dark, “She ask.

“I have no idea I always have. Every time I get left in the dark I go insane, at my old asylum I would beat on the doors trying to escape and every time the nurses would take me to a room that always had power I never understood that, I guess it was for people like me, “ I replied still not looking at her.

I felt has if I did not look at her I would be all right I could make it in here without going insane, I just hope that did not happen.

“How did that make you feel being left alone in a room, “She asks while writing down on a pad, she probably wrote everything I just said.

“I felt better because that room had light but at the same time I hated that room, it was like the people at the asylum did not care what happen to us. The nurses would leave me in there for days before letting me out, “I said.

“Do you try to break your out, “She asks while looking back up at me.

“I never tried I thought the nurses would never hear me or would just act like that did not. As long as I had light, I did not bother me, “I replied still not looking at her.

“I have another question why did you come here? What made you run away? “She ask

“Gerard. The power went out at the old asylum I was sent into that room; I look to see I was not alone. At first I was scared I hate being alone with strange people. Gerard and I did not get alone at first I did not like him because he kept turning out the light. Soon after we finally talk every since then I could not stay away from him. A few weeks after we were sitting out on the sundeck he ask if I still was afraid of me, I told him I still was. He came closer towards me and just like that he hug me, I had to fight everything in me not to go insane and for the first time in my life I did not go insane. I think that was the day I feel in love, “I said for the first time looking right her.

Stacey look at me as if she did not think I would say that, in this point of time I no longer cared what people thought. I kind of got scared what she was going to say though, I did not know if she was going to tell me it was wrong to love him or that she did not care.

“Tell me more about Gerard, “She said while still looking me.

“Gerard is scared of sleep that every time he goes to sleep he dreams of people dying. I always thought I would love to trade places with him that I could live with the fear of sleeping. A week later after he hug me the power went off once again the nurses let me out of my room, and I ran towards Gerard’s room. He promises me he would not let the nurses take me away, but after a day of staying with him the nurses took me away. I was beyond angry with him I told him I hated him; I was wanting to leave the asylum. However, I decided against it, after that I found out Gerard was leaving the asylum something I did not see coming. The day he was leaving I ran out to him I beg him not to leave that I never hated him, but it was too late he was already going to leave. That day I kiss him without going insane something I could never do and cannot believe I did, I beg the doctor to let me go visit him finally the doctor let me. Once I got to see him I never been so happy I knew I could not leave without telling him I felt, I was glad I did. When I got back to my asylum I beg the doctor to let me come here, when he found out I was in love he was angry. So I ran away to come here, “I said in telling the whole story.

“I think it beyond brave of you to come all the way here for someone you love. I think if Gerard has not been here to help, you would have never wanted to get better. I think in time you will realize where all these fears comes from and that one day you can push them all away, I believe you will be able to leave this place, “ She replied after writing in her pad.

I was surprise that Stacey believed in me I started to become less afraid of her but I still did not trust her; I cannot trust someone within a day. Maybe she was right some how I would soon found out where all my fears come from and that one-day I could just let them all go.

“Do you think soon you can face your biggest fear, being left alone in the dark, “She ask.

“I have no idea right now I do not think I can, maybe later on I could, “I replied.

I did not won’t to think about facing any of my fears this was too much to take in, I never open up this much to anyone besides Gerard. This was all weird to me I did not know how to think about all of these, it was helping me some.

“I think once you gone threw the steps that soon you can face your fears, “She said.

After an hour of talking I finally left, her office I headed outside I knew that is where Gerard would be. His the only person I want to see right now, once I got out there I saw him sitting at the tables. I made my way towards the table and sit down beside him.

“How did it go with Stacey, “He asks while looking at me.

“It went all right, I spent most of the time talking about you, “I replied.

“Me?” He ask in confusion

“I told her the story about the day I met you and how I got here. She said if it was not for you helping me that I would probably would have not wanted to get better, which I kind of believe, “I said while looking at him.

“I think in time you would have gotten better if I was not here, but I am glad I’m here though. I do not think I could get better on my own without you, “He replied.

Days like this means a lot to me being with him makes me happy, which I never felt before. I just wish the happiness had lasted.

Sorry for the long wait. Thanks for the reviwes. Review?
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