Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

And It Was Only About To Being

by xFamousLivingDeadx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-07-08 - Updated: 2010-07-09 - 545 words - Complete

I could hear the thunder outside I was sitting on my bed in my room, it seem like every second the thunder was getting louder. I could see the lighting flash cross the sky I knew any minute the lighter were going to go out I could feel it. This asylum did not lock you in your room so I could escape any minute, I kept watching out the window waiting for the lighting to strike waiting for the power to go out.

A big flash of lighting had strike and just as I was waiting on the power went out, I could feel my hands start to shake as I stayed in my room; the darkness was all around me. I needed to go insane I forgot what it felt like going insane it was like my brand of high. In this moment of time I no longer cared of getting better, I just wanted to go insane.

I got off the bed I started to throw all my stuff at the walls and the door, glass breaking everywhere. I threw a vases that was left in my room at the window glass shatter everywhere the rain started to come in my room, I stop what I was doing and look at everything I did.

I look around I saw glass papers and everything else scatter around my room, I felt bad I never wanted this to happen. I was working so hard to get better and here I am throwing it all away, I could have stop myself going insane I could have ran to Gerard I could have do anything but gone insane. I open my door I ran towards Gerard’s room I had to tell him what I did. I should as I got there I knock on the door I would not stop until he answer a few minutes later he open the door.

“Frank what’s wrong, “He asks while looking beyond tired.

“I did something wrong, “I whisper trying to old the tears back.

“What did you do, “He asks while letting me in.

“The power went out I tried so hard to fight the feeling to go insane I really did but I could not stop it. My room is a mess glass is everywhere I even broke my window. I did not mean for this to happen, “I said while looking down.

“It’s okay you cannot get better in a day, it’s hard trying to face your fear when you are not ready. I am not mad at you. I am just glad you came here and told me, “He said while hugging me.

“Do you think the doctor will send me away, for what I did, “I ask while putting my head on his chest as he hug me.

“The doctor is not going to send you away for something you cannot help. The doctors might watch you more closely but their not going to send you away I can promise you that, “He replied.

I believed him but I had a feeling deep down that my hell was only about to begin.

Wow..Im sorry about the long wait. I've been so busy I had no time to update. Forigve me?
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