Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Lock Up

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-07-25 - Updated: 2010-07-26 - 598 words - Complete

The next day the doctor wanted to talk to me about what had happen yesterday, since my room was a mess I stayed in Gerard’s room. I was scared to go talk to the doctor I had no idea what he would do or even say. I try to keep pushing the thoughts of me leaving I knew I would not be sent away for something like that, I could not help it. I was sitting in the office waiting for the doctor to come in; I could feel the fear build up inside me. Just then, the doctor walks and sits down behind his deck.

“I guess you know why you’re here, “The doctor said while looking at me.

“Because I went insane, “I said while looking the other way

“That is right. You should have came to someone or let someone knew that you felt afraid, “The doctor replied.

“It is hard for me to go some stranger and let them how I feel. I cannot help that I go insane every time I am face with my fears, “I said while this time looking him.

“Frank going off breaking the windows, breaking glass is not the right way to go. I know it is hard but in order for you to get better then you need to start fighting the feeling to go insane, “Doctor said.

The doctor did not understand I could not go to someone to tell them I am about to go insane because the power has gone out and I cannot be left alone in the dark. I knew the only person I would ever go to was Gerard but he had his own fear to work on I could not go to him every time. I did not say a word so the doctor went on talking.

“I am afraid to let you back in your own room fearing next the power goes out you will cause in more damage. I have no other choice but to put you in a padded room for a few days, “The doctor said.

My mind ran blank how could the doctor do that, I was not a crazy person. It was not as if I went insane every day I just went insane when I was face with my fears. My heart started to beat fast with fear being lock up in a padded room.

“You are treating me like I am a crazy person, I far from a crazy person. It was not as if I did it on purpose, “I said in angry like.

“Frank you smash your window you break a lot of glass how could I not lock you in a padded room? I know this will be hard for you but this is only to help you, “The doctor said while looking at me.

Locking me in a padded room was not going to help it never helps anyone, without thinking I ran out of the office I was not going to let them lock me up in some stupid padded room. I ran right to Gerard’s room I had nowhere else to go, I ran into his room.

“Frank what’s wrong, “Gerard asks while getting off the bed.

“The damn doctor is going to lock me up in a padded room, “I said while trying to breathe.

“Just because you went insane that is not right, do not worry I’ll find some way out of this, “He said while hugging me. Some how I knew there was no way out of this.
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