Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Not Leaving

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-07-25 - Updated: 2010-07-26 - 667 words - Complete

I would not take my eyes off the door I knew any minute the doctor would come in and try to take me way. I did not understand why I needed to be lock up in a padded room it was not as if I was an insane crazy person who harmful to other people I never went insane unless I was face with my fears. It was not fair just because I went insane does not mean I should be lock up like a prisoner this asylum was just like my old one always locking me up for something I never understood.

“Frank are you okay, “Gerard ask

“Yeah, why? I ask taking my eyes off the door for the first time to look at him.

“You have been looking at the door like your trying to burn it down, “He replied.

“I’m just waiting for the doctor to take me away, “I said while looking back at the door.

Gerard came over to sit beside me he put his arms around me hugging me, I lead against his chest. I did not wont’ to be taken away I never meant to cause that much damage I was just scared.

“I never meant to make that much damage I was just scared, “I whisper

“I know you did not mean too. I just wish you would have came to me instead, “He said

“I feel like I’m always bothering you with my fears, every time I get scared I come running to you I keep thinking you’re getting tired of me always coming to when I get scared, “I replied.

“Do not think like that, I do not get tired of you always coming to me. I want you to come to me when you get scared, never think any of that. Frank you mean the world to me I would never get tired of you, “He said while holding me closer.

I knew I should have never thought like that but I cannot help but wonder if his just being nice or if he is really telling the truth. Part of me does think he is telling the truth and that his not tired of me, but some of me thinks his just trying not to hurt me. I should trust him his the only person who I ever trusted.

“What if one day you get tired of me always coming to you or you get tired my fears getting in the way, “I ask.

“That day will never ever come I can promise you that. I will never get tired of you I wish you would believe me, and your fears do not get in the way you cannot help that you have those fears. Just as if I cannot help I fear to sleep, everyone has fears Frankie, “He said while looking at me.

He called me Frankie that is the first time he done that in a while, I smiled. He was right though everyone has fears there is nothing you can do to stop that. I started to believe him I should know he would never get tired of me, that is one of the reason why I love him.

I wish this moment could last this was the first time I felt safe as if the world did not matter to us, I almost forgot what if felt like to have him hold me close. It was still weird for me to have someone hug me or even touch me but it all started to go away with Gerard, if anyone else tried, I would have gone insane by now.

I was about to say something to Gerard when the door slowly open and just then the doctor walk in, I could tell by the way he look that I would be leaving I was not going without a fight.

Second update. Again sorry for the long wait, I've been so busy. I will update again soon
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