Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Not Without A Fight

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-07-30 - Updated: 2010-07-31 - 719 words - Complete

The doctor walk in I could tell that he was going to send me to the padded room; I just was not going without a fight. Gerard still had his arms around me as if he was not going to let me go either which made me feel better.

“Frank you know why I’m here, “The doctor said.

“Why do you have to lock up me up? I never hurt anyone, “I said

“You’re hurting yourself, who knows what, would happen if you did not stop, “The doctor replied.

“I went insane I did not go and try to kill someone, I won’t let you touch me, “I said while looking at him.

I was not going to let anyone touch me I was not going out of this room, I did not belong in a padded room I was not a crazy person. I could feel the fear build up in me I would not make it being lock up in a room; I was not going to let that happen.

“Frank did not make this hard I’m doing this for your own good, “The doctor said while not giving up.

“For my own good? By locking me up in a padded room is for my own good. I only went insane once while I was here, “I said in angry.

“And look what happen, you broke everything you own. You broke the window even the glass on top of your door, “The doctor said.

“I know I did I was there you know. So what none of that meant noting to me, I cannot help I went insane the power went out I cannot stand being in the dark, “I said tying to make the doctor understand.

“I know that Frank but this will do you some good, I am not changing my mind, “The doctor replied.

“ It was a one time thing it is not like he goes insane every day, locking him up in a padded room will only make things worst, ‘ Gerard said.

I was glad Gerard was trying to get me to stay I did not won’t to leave I did not see any reason for me to be lock up in fucking room, that will do me no good. I started to hate this place no one seems to care all the doctors and nurses want to do is lock people up so they will not be in the way.

“My mind is done made up, you will be lock up in a padded room for two days, you can either go out on your own or we can do this the hard way, “The doctor said while looking at me.

“I am not leaving this damn room, so go head fight me, “I said while not backing down.

The doctor look at me before leaving the room I knew he would be back I had no idea what was going to happen, I started to fear.

“Their going to take me away and there’s nothing we can do, “I said while looking at Gerard.

“I’m so sorry Frank I never thought the doctor would this, do not hate me, ‘Gerard said while looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

“I do not hate you it is not your fault, “I replied.

Just then, the door open and walking two nurses and the doctor I knew right then this was not going to be good. The nurses walk towards me trying to grab me but I would not let go of Gerard, I could feel my hands shake along with tears in my eyes.

“Don’t take him away, “Gerard pleaded while holding on to me.

“Frank let go now, ‘the doctor said.

“NO! You cannot take me away, “I yelled in sadness.

“One last warning let go of him Frank, “The doctor said.

I still refused to let go I was not going to let go of Gerard just then I felt a sharp pain in the side of my neck I look to see one of the nurses gave me a shot. Everything was becoming a blur my body started to grow weak I look at Gerard before saying,

“I love you, “And just then everything became dark.

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