Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Don't Belong

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-02 - Updated: 2010-08-03 - 592 words - Complete

The next day I woke up to realize I was in a padded room, my head was hurting. The room was white with padded walls; padded floor the room had some light. It was small but big enough for one person I did not like this room. This room for the insane crazy people not for me, I tried to scream but the walls hold my screams no one could hear me.

I wanted out of this room I did not belong here I wanted to be with Gerard. I started to miss him I miss being safe knowing nothing bad would happen to me, and yet I sit in this damn padded room. I lay in the middle of the room on my back looking up. Maybe if I act normal the doctor would let me out, I would do anything to get out of this room.

I did not leave my spot I just kept looking up hoping any moment the door would open and I would be free. I felt like a prisoner that was banned from the world that no one cared about me. Hours past no one has come, no one has made sure I was even still alive.

I had no clue if it was night or if the sun was still out; I could in here for days and would not know it. It felt like I have been in here for months. After hours of just looking up at the ceiling, I finally closed my eyes.

Next Day

Another day has past I was still in the padded room I was about to go crazy I needed to leave this room, I tried everything to make someone come to check on me but nothing seem to work. As I said before no one would ever know if I was dead or alive. Just then the door slowly open I look to see the doctor he was the last person I wanted to see, he made his way in.

“I have decided to let you leave; keeping you in here will not do any good, “The doctor said.

At first I could not believe what I was hearing I was finally free to leave this room, I knew I did not belong here. Without thinking I stood up, I walk towards the door before the doctor change his mind. As soon I was out I felt free I felt like my old self again.

I ran down the hallway there was one person I wanted to see and that was Gerard. I ran towards his room once I got there I open the door to see him laying on his bed asleep. I slowly close the door before climbing on the bed, he slowly open his eyes as soon as he saw me he smiled.

“Your out, did you escape, “He asks while smiling.

“Yeah I escape I broke free. The doctor decide to let me leave, I did not belong there in the first place, “I replied.

“I am so sorry that you had to go through that I tried to hard to make the doctor let you leave but he would not listen, I guess he finally gave in, “He said.

I was beyond happy to be out of that room were I did not belong, but I also knew deep down it would not be the last time I would be seeing that room.

Thanks for the reviews. Im going to try and update a lot before I leave in 11 days. Review?
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