Categories > Books > Harry Potter > New Beginnings


by wartyizer 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-05-20 - Updated: 2010-05-20 - 1049 words


Chapter 3


Carlisle blinked his eyes, as he fought to maintain his attention on his new son and daughter, which they were in aroundabout way. It had been over a week since he had turned them, and still there had to be no apparent changes in them, well if you didn't count that all the boy's exterior wounds had healed over on the second day. But since then there had been no change. The only conclusion Carlisle could come to was that their magical abilities were fighting the change or just slowing it.

However, just as this thought ran through his head for what must have been the thousandth time - that was quite literally how much thought he had put into the matter - a change did begin, a rather obvious change.

Carlisle turned his eyes to his new son, only to see the slender 5"10' slender frame, expand both in muscle and height until he was now at least 6"4', and his shirt which had been pulled tight to his stomach by the growth spurt, revealed the new bulging muscles which were spread across his chest and arms.

"Finally" Edward said, as he stepped into the room as having sensed his father's relief that his son's changing was finally beginning to take full effect, now there was just the girl to wait for.

As that thought passed through Edward's mind, the changing began to take immediate effect on the girl. She also grew in height but only to 5"8', her muscles also appeared to grow but again less so than the other new vampire. Other areas of her body of course changed to fit her much changed frame. All in all said changed from a woman of moderate beauty, to someone who could easily rival Rosalie, all in a matter of seconds.

"Edward. Could you go fetch your brothers"Carlisle calmly said to his older son, knowing the kind of reaction he might expect from his new children when they awoke.

"Done" Edward said as he returned dragging Jasper and Emmet along by their arms.

"What are you doi...?" Jasper began before recognising the changes which had happened and what was soon to happen. "Oh"

"Right you all know how they might react when they awake." Carlisle began almost as though he was giving a lecture, "So I'll need all your help if anything kicks off, you all know how strong new changelings are" He said, at that exact moment the boy jolted awake, immediately leaping off the bed and screaming what was a blood curdling cry -even to the gathered vampires. However, this aggression rapidly dispersed when the new vampire saw, who had lain on the bed beside him. At this point he just broke down, clutching her body to him, as mourned for what he thought he had lost.

"Why?" Harry shouted his anger boiling over as he turned to face the vampires. He presented a terrifying image as his magical aura showed around him, and caused his coal black hair to blow back in a both terrifying and eerie fashion, and then his sapphire red eyes blazing with pain and anger.

"Harry, control yourself." Carlisle began cautiously, "She is not dead just yet to awake from the changing, though she should momentarily" He finished and almost exactly on cue Hermione began to awake from her slumber.

"Hermione. You're alive" Harry said turning to pull his love in a bony crunching hug, his eyes returning to their normal emerald green as his anger faded. But this peace was once again only momentarily as he once again round on the other vampires, of had now been joined by the females of the coven.

"Why? Why did you change me, you leeches?"Harry screamed his anger now rolling off him in waves.

"I did because otherwise you would have died" Carlisle calmly said stepping forward towards harry.

"Why didn't you leave me? I'll never see my parents now" Harry screamed angrily, but with a hint of sadness at what he was now going to miss.

"I ask him" Hermione said calming him as she wrapped her arms around his neck from behind him. "I couldn't face life without you so this was the only option" She ended in a way which left it clearly up for no discussion.

"But..." Harry began, his anger having subsided slightly now.

"No buts. Now hush, and let Carlisle speak to us" Hermione said gently stopping Harry in his tracks.

"Ummm...right" Carlisle began surprised at how Hermione was able to bring Harry under control despite her being a new born herself, "So I suppose I best introduce you to the family. This is my wife Esme, then my oldest son Edward and his wife, Bella. Then there's Emmet and Rosalie. And finally Alice and Jasper." As he said each of their names, said family stepped forward slightly each eyeing Harry and Hermione cautiously. "Oh and of course there's Renesmee, Edward and Bella's daughter..." At which point Edward interrupted.

"You stay away from her or I'll rip you apart" He said menacingly.

"Edward shut up" Carlisle muttered, "And Renesmee's soul mate Jacob, who's a werewolf, so you may take some time getting used to him, what with the smell and all, but trust he's fine" He finished clearly thinking Harry and Hermione would hate the werewolf.

"My God-son is a werewolf and so was his father. So I don't know what you implying" Harry hissed angrily.

"Umm right so we shouldn't have any problem" Carlisle said hesitantly "Though I didn't think you had any family left. Who does he live with?" Carlisle asked

"Shit. We left him with an old friend. He'll have thought we abandoned him. I have to go get him" Harry said.

"That may not be possible" Carlisle began.

"You think I'd harm my own god-son" Harry screamed, all the calmest gone from his demeanour.

"No, but new borns have very little control of the blood lust. Not that our family drinks human blood" Carlisle tried to explain.

"Fine. I'll stay for a couple more days then I'm going to get him." Harry said bitterly, already missing his God-son.

"Alright. We'll see but at least one of us will have to come with you" Carlisle finished ending the argument.

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