Categories > Movies > Shrek > Crushing This Friendship Is Everything I Ever Wanted

This Isn't Fair

by 18th_Hole 0 reviews

He told her to go back.

Category: Shrek - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-05-20 - Updated: 2010-05-20 - 579 words

"Get out of here."
"What? Shrek, no, I'm not going. I don't care-"
"You should care! It's your wedding! Now, go!!"
"But, I-"
"Why are you still here? I told you to go, didn't I?!" So I ran out of his house, before Shrek could doing something he would regret.
"Fiona! There you are! Oh my goodness! Where have you been?!" Cinderella wheezed as she rushed over to me. I happened to be on my way back to the palace to get ready for the wedding.
"I've been...out."
"Where out?" Cinderella crossed her arms.
"I've just been out. Okay? Dont't worry about it."
"You're right! The only thing we need to be worrying about right now is getting you ready for you're wedding. Which is in about, oh I don't know, about AN HOUR!!"
"An hour?!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, an hour! Now, come on. What are you waiting for?" Cinderella grabbed my left wrist and led my to the castle.
I looked back and whispered to myself, "I don't know what I'm waiting for."
"Fiona. You look amazing. I-I can't believe this day has finally come. I knew one day you and Charming would put aside your differences and be together." Queen Lillian wiped her eyes with her hankerchief. I stood facing a huge glass window in my room.
"Really, mom? Really?"
"Yes, dear."
Queen Lillian handed Cinderella her hankerchief, and Cinderella blew her nose inside it, then handed it back to the queen. She grabbed it. Disgusted, she placed it by one of the many mirrors in the room.
"I could see it coming from a mile away. I knew it had to happen some time in the near future." Cinderella put in.
A long silence. "Cinderella, would you mind giving us a moment?" the queen asked.
"Not at all, your highness." So Cinderella stepped out of the room, and headed downstairs to check on everything.
"Darling, is there something wrong?" she touched my shoulder.
"No, mom. Of course, not. Why would you think that something's wrong?"
"You're not really smiling. Or even excited at that. Tell me what's troubling you. You know you can tell me anything. I will always be here for you. No matter what."
"No matter what?" the queen nodded to my childish question, "Okay. Well-"
"Let's go bride! Ten more minutes 'til that wedding march!" Cinderella exclaimed.
"Well, look at my little girl." King Harold held out his arms.
"Hi daddy." I hugged the king.
"Ready?" he asked.
"I guess." The wedding march started.
"Here we go. Slow steps." the king said.
I took a deep breath, and we stepped off.
"With this ring, I thee wed." Charming said to me.
Sitting, in the far distance, on a high hidden tree branch, was Shrek. Watching as his best friend, was being taken away, liitle by little. Watching his heart rip into pieces, bit by bit.
"With this ring...I thee, wed." I whispered. And I slid the ring onto his finger.
The priest closed his bible, "I now pronounce thee, man and may kiss your bride."
Charming cupped my face in his hands, and lightly kissed me on the lips. At that moment, Shrek felt a rage suddenly growing inside of him.
"Shall we?" Charming motioned. I nodded. Might as well. And we practically ran down the aisle, to the carriage. We stepped in, waved goodbye to everyone, and they disappeared, into a cloud of dust.
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