Categories > Original > Drama > And Still The Fire Burns

Chapter 3- Animal I've Become

by ElaLovesYou 0 reviews

Suggested sexual violence

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2010-06-08 - Updated: 2010-06-09 - 961 words

Two Years Later...

I can't escape this hell, so many times I've tried. But I'm still caged inside. Somebody get me through this nightmare. I can't control myself!

The last few weeks had passed in a blur. Whenever anyone touched me I lashed out, biting and scratching. I screamed constantly. They moved me into a straitjacket and back onto the cuffs on the bed. Now that the wound on my neck had healed they could tighten the neck cuff. Every few days I would bite and scream at the doctor who would check on me. Soon enough he stopped coming. Noone came into my room anymore except to give me food and to empty the toilet bucket.
I was placed in a padded white cell and left to go insane.
The food came less frequently and one day ceased altogether. They had removed everything sharp from my room but there was one thing they had missed. My nails.
Eyday I would dig them into my wrists and smear a little more blood on thewalls. I woiuld then retreat back into the corner where I crouched, facing the door.

So what if you could see the darkest side of me. Noone will ever change this animal I have become. And we believe it's not the real me. Somebody help me tame this animal.

One day I heard voices outside my room. They were discussing something. It sounded like a bidding war. All I could tell was that the item in question was female and extremely bad mannered. It sounded as if my 'keeper' was trying to disuade a voice I vaguely recognised from buying this female. There was no window in my door and I had clawed at my ears but my hearing was good enough to notice the voices and footfalls coming closer. I shrunk back in my corner, hoping they wouldn't come in. But as my luck would have it, the door crept open and our very muscular men and my doctor filed in.
I let out a frightened moan and edged away from the men. They all looked really creepy, they had tatoo's, piercings and funy hairstyles. The smaller one at the front had longish black hair and tatoo's on his arms. He looked the least frightening but still he was male and I was very vulnerable in here.
He was whispering to my doctor and glancing around my room. I followed his gaze and saw hiseyes fall on the obvious smears of blood on the walls.

"...doesn't eat...uses her nails...doesn't obey...don't want her..."
The man with the black hair shook his head and looked at me for the first time His face was angry but immediately softened when he saw my terrified expression. He gently lowered himself to my level and scooted along the ground on his knee's.When he got to my normal limit I whimpered slightly. He froze on the spot and sat down there.
"I'm Adam." he said in a quiet voice, soothing almost. "Alex." I replied in a cracked voice. I hadn't spoken in two years. "It's ok," he said slowly, "I won't hurt you." I raised my eyes to his... and gasped in surprise.
There, staring out from underneath the long black strands of hair were two very recognisable eyes. Naturally an extreme light grey, his eyes induced taunts when he was in school. Grim Reaper, they would call him.
It was Adam Gontier. My only reason for life.
Apparently my expression was one of horror as he backed away quickly.
"No!" I choked out, "Come back!"
Crawling across the floor like a spider, I met him halfway across the room and like a frightened four year old I leapt into his arms sobbing. This was safety.

I can't escape myself. So many times I've lied, but there's still rage inside. Somebody get me through this nightmare, I can't control myself.

I clung to Adam's arm, absolutely terrified of ever being parted from my one chance at survival. Adam gently pulled my wrist until I let go then he placed my hand in his and helped me to my feet. One of his arms encircled my waist when I stumbled slightly.
"Alex, this is Neil, Brad and Barry..."
"I know," I whispered, I couldn't manage anything louder, "I owned everything that you guy's put out. Then," my voice got quieter and I looked down, listening. "Alex?" Adam's anxious voice cut through the silence.
My entire body was shaking and the room seemed to revolve around me, tilting at a strange angle.
The band's frightened shout's seemed muffled. The footsteps came closer and closer. I could almost hear him breathing as he hurried to my room. As his footsteps rounded the corner, four paces from my door, I choked out a single word in absolute terror.
Adam's voice was very clear.
"Barry, stay infront of us, Brad, Neil, stay either side of me and look imposing all of you. Her dad's here." He added in a venamous tone.
I felt myself being lifted by some gentle hands as my father entered the room. I forced my eyes open and looked up into Adam's eyes. Identical to mine, they showed his concern when his face only portrayed reassurance. That was when my vague thoughts were confirmed. Adam HAD escaped a home like mine. He was the closest thing to a friend I ever had. I had only known him for about 15 minutes, yet I felt completely comfortable in his arms.
"What the f**k is this?!!"
My whole body shuddered at his voice and my muscles tightened involentarily. Adam felt this, I could feel him quivering in anger, his face tightened into a scowl as he stared my father down.
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