Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gerard Way & Me

Prank Gone Too Far

by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

Jasmine and Natasha look at the phone some more and one of them makes a prank...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-06-23 - Updated: 2010-06-23 - 984 words - Complete

Jasmine's POV

I sighed "Nice try whoever you are, but we both know that this is not Gerard."
The guy on the other side of the line sighed "For the record, my name is Frank and okay, yeah, it wasn't Gerard but I can't let you talk to him!"
"It's... He doesn't exactly know that I've lost his phone!"
Natasha laughed "Well until further notice, we are keeping the phone."
"No! Wait!" But Natasha hung up.
"We should really give this back." I said, feeling slightly guilty.
"We'll give it back!" Natasha said, giggling "Just not right now!"
Later that night, I noticed a file on the phone called 'Song Lyrics' I tried to open it but it had a password.
I suddenly looked under my bed and sure enough my little brother was under there. "Who's phone is it?" He asked.
"None of your business. Now I can either hit you to death or you can unlock this file for me."
"Okay." He took the phone from me "How old is he?"
"Like 32..."
He typed in the password and sure enough, it unlocked. "How did you know?" I asked. He just tapped his nose and walked out. I had to trust that he wouldn't tell Mom and Dad...
Crap. I'm dead.

Frank's POV

That little... Soon Gerard is going to notice that something is up. He's already asking for his mobile back... I know! I'll go to shop, buy the exact same phone and give it back to him uncharged! He probably won't ask for the charger, no, he's too lazy to plug it in. He'll ask me to do it! And I'll use this girls mobile to somehow get his phone back! Yes, go Frank!

Jasmine's POV

It took a lot of persuading but my little brother is going to keep his big mouth shut. I gave him three packets of sweets, four weeks of pocket money and I can't tell on him ever again. No matter what.
But anyway, enough about him, I read Gerard's song lyrics. I'm really surpirsed. I always though it was Welcome To The Black Concert but according to this phone it's Welcome To The Black Parade and I have to say Gerard's version is way better. I never really did understand the concept of Welcome To The Black Concert but Welcome To The Black Parade has a lot of meaningful lyrics.
I really wanted to get in touch with Gerard and tell him how much his song inspired me. The Closed Door had now become The Open Door. And in my opinion, it was very good. I still had the line an island of hope in a sea of distress but it meant something very different to me now.
But then I had to help my mom with the rally for that stupid 100 year old house. Natasha came along to help, but it was just so we could talk more about the mobile.
I was still trying to convince her to give it back but she sighed "You're always moaning that nothing ever happens to you round here. Now something totally AMAZING happens right infront of you... And you want to give it away!"
I sighed, realising what she was saying. But I still didn't think we should keep it...
Suddenly a reminder popped up on the mobile... 'Hairdressers two o clock for a trim'
Natasha smiled and took the phone "It's time we start having a little fun." She typed something into the phone and held it up to her ear... A phone call "Hello, this is Natasha, Gerard Way's PA? I believe he has an appointment with you at two o clock today? Well he doesn't want a trim anymore. He wants it cut really short and dyed blonde!"
I gasped and tried to pull the phone away, but Natasha stepped out of my reach "Yeah, that's great! Thank you, goodbye!"
She giggled and turned to me but I wasn't giggling "Natasha, we've gone too far this time." I said 'we' gently instead of 'you' "Call them back and say it was a prank."
"No, I think Gerard would notice if they were dying his hair and cutting it too far and stuff. Lighten up Jazz!"
I wanted to stay friends with Natasha and I realised what she was saying, it was just a bit of fun after all.

Frank's POV

I got the replacement mobile and layed it out ready for when Gerard asked for it back. But when he walked in, his mobile was the last thing he was concerned about.
"Why... Is your hair blonde? And short?" I asked, standing up.
Jeff was screaming his head off "What happened to your hair? Your hair was the selling point! Gerard, we have to get it back!"
"Shame, it's gone." Gerard replied, running his hands through it. Jeff stormed out, angry.
"Are you okay?" I asked. Surprisingly, he turned to me and smiled.
"Frank, the hairdresser told me that someone phoned up about the change of my hair." His smile increased "Thanks man, but how did you know I wanted it like this?"
I took this oppurtinity of praise "Dude, I'm your best friend. I know everything!"
He smiled then frowned "Hey, do you still have my mobile?"
"Yeah." I replied, chucking him the un-charged one.
"Dude, it's not turning on."
"Damn!" I said dramtically "I forgot to charge it! I am SUCH a bad friend!"
"Nah it's okay man." He threw the phone back to me "Just charge it then give it back when it's done. See ya!"
He walked out and I grabbed the girls mobile, making my mind up to call her.

Jasmine's POV

I got a phone call off of Katie that night, telling me about Gerards new haircut. It was all over the news and TV, everyone was shocked... And it was all mine and Natasha's fault.
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