Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Woods are Bad News

That's the Lies They Feed You?

by Hands-Stained-Red 6 reviews

"No need to be angry. I'll be on my way if you don't like me that much then," Frank said waving a hand and turning to walk off.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-23 - Updated: 2010-06-23 - 685 words

"I'm Frank," he said jumping down from his perch and landing gracefully on the balls of his feet. That was too nice for any human to do. Pssh, what? So you think he's something paranormal? Gerard quietly hushed the voice in his head while Frank stared at him.

"You okay bro?" Frank asked. Gerard stared at him not answering. Hey dumbass, someone is talking to you, answer them.

"Would you shut up?" Gerard said fed up with the voice in his head.

"No need to be angry. I'll be on my way if you don't like me that much then," Frank said waving a hand and turning to walk off.

"No, no I wasn't talking to you," Gerard quickly said. Turning back around Frank raised an eyebrow.

"Then who?" Gerard laughed nervously. Running his hand through his hair thinking of how to even answer that question. How do you explain to someone you talk to yourself?

"Uhh, nothing, you'll think it's too weird," Gerard said deciding not to let Frank know about the voice in his head and their frequent arguments.

"Too weird? Coming from the guy who just asked if trees could talk," Frank said going into a fit of giggles.

"Hey man, these are old trees, and a supposedly haunted forest, anything can happen." Gerard said. He was thankful for Frank's laughter lightening the mood.

"Haunted? Is that what they say about this old forest? That's the lies they feed you? It's not haunted." Frank said shaking his head.

"So it's not really haunted?" Gerard guessed you could see the disappointment on his face because Frank's smile disappeared.

"Uhh, yeah, it's not. Sorry ummm..?"

"Gerard, my name is Gerard." Frank's smile returned.

"I'll call you Gee," he said. Gerard couldn't help but smile too.

Gerard felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. It was a text from Mikey. Pete & Gabe here. Help. "Shit," he muttered. "Uhh, I'm gonna head home now," Gerard said looking at Frank who stopped from chasing a squirrel to listen. "My brother needs some help."

Frank nodded, "Okay, are you going to be here tomorrow?" He asked looking hopeful. Normally for anyone else Gerard would have lied and said he was busy. But there was something about Frank that grabbed him by the collar and wouldn't let him go. It was weird and curiosity got the best of Gerard. He had to find out why he had a sudden fascination with Frank.

"Yeah, I will. Same place?" Gerard asked.

"Yup," Frank answered with a smile. "Unless I'm flying to the moon with the rabbits tonight, then I might not be back tomorrow."

"Pssh, okay. Well, uhh, bye," Gerard said waving and walking towards the Halloween decorated streets.

"Bye Gee! See you tomorrow," Frank exclaimed skipping off further into the forest.

Gerard opened the door to his house wondering what he would find inside thinking of the odd text he had been sent. "Hey Mikes," he called walking in.

"GERARD, NO!" Mikey screamed right before Gerard was tackled to the ground by a 6'4" giant pleasantly known as Gabe.

"Muahaha, now that we have both Way brothers, we move on to the next step in the plan," said the short kid with black swoopy hair that had Mikey's arms pinned down.

Gerard was having trouble seeing Pete with Gabe's Jew fro blocking his vision. "What plan?" He asked terrified of the answer.

"To rule the world of course sweetheart," Gabe said planting a kiss on Gerard's cheek.

"You've got some issues, Saporta," Gerard stated.

"Well maybe you could help me fix them babe," Gabe said lifting Gerard up off the floor. Gerard saw Mikey staring enviously at him. Heaven knows the boy has the biggest crush on Gabe but refuses to do anything about it.

"Alright you two," Pete said looking at Gerard and Mikey. "Let's go."

"Yeah, let's go," Gabe said smacking Gerard's ass.

"Watch yourself bro," Gerard said.

Wow, thanks for all the reviews guys. I didn't think I'd get that many. And for the rating :D
Same deal as last time, review=chapter.
Thank you loves.
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