Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When I Fall Can I Catch Myself

Jackson's Return

by LittleMissFae 4 reviews

Gerard and Rose are beginning to get close.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-15 - Updated: 2010-07-15 - 734 words - Complete

[Author's Note: This chapter is a little short so I'll be updating again tonight.]

We walked over to my bed and sat down. He looked over at my guitar and picked up my pick. He smiled at it.

“Where’d you get this?” He was motioning to the signature but I decided to play dumb.

“A music store.”

“Signature and all. Must be a pretty damn good music store.” Sarcasm wreaked in his voice.

“Fine if you must ask. I got it at a concert. You’re concert that was in New York in August. I was the person who had one of the backstage passes. So technically we’ve already met.”

“So you’re a fan girl?” He asked amusement in his voice.

“If that’s what you want to call it. Yes, I’m a fan girl.”

“And to think I couldn’t even tell. Besides the shirt I would have thought you were just a normal person. I should have known.” Gerard teased me.

“Whatever, Michael.”

“What?” He asked. Confusion covered his face.

“If there was ever a Michael Jackson Look Alike Contest you would win 1st place.” The Michael Jackson comment belonged to my Mother. When I first fell in love with MCR I always talked about them so one day I showed my mom a picture of them. She told me Gerard looked like Michael Jackson. I never believed her. I still don’t but hey, he teased me so I’ll tease him back.

“I don’t have anything to say to that.” We laughed together.

“Wow, I never imagined myself having freaking Gerard Way as a friend.” Just then my phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D.

“Sorry. It’s my friend. Got to take it real quick.” I told Gerard.

“Hey, Maria.” I said to my best friend.

“Hey, Rose. You’ll never guess what I did last night. Something better than anything you’ve ever done.”

“Want to bet? What is it?” I asked. I got up and started to walk away from Gerard.

“I got tickets to see My Chemical Romance in a week! I have two tickets. One for me and one for you.” I had to stifle a laugh.

“You better find a different person to give that ticket to.”

“Why? I wanted you to come with me.” She sounded upset.

“Because Maria, I’m standing right by Gerard right now and I’m not talking about a poster.”

“Oh my god.” She said it so fast that it was smashed together.

“Yeah. I’m so excited for you.”

“So why are you with Gerard? Or are you with the entire band?”

“Yeah I get to be around the whole band.” I was getting the idea of having the entire opening for MCR a secret to her so she would be really surprised.

“Why? Why are you with them?”

“You’ll see soon enough.”

“Ugh!” She groaned.

“Hey, I’ve got stuff to do. So I’ll talk to you later.”

“Fine.” She sounded annoyed.

“Bye, Marie.” I said.

“Bye Rose.” Then I hung up the phone.

“Looks like we’ll be seeing my best friend in a week.” I said walking back over to Gerard.

“And she doesn’t know that you’ll be the opening act. And you might be performing on stage with us.” That took me by surprise.

“What?” I asked him.

“You’ll probably be up there doing I Don’t Love You with us. I just have to ask Mikey and them. Besides they think you’re hot they’ll say yes.”

“What about Misty? Don’t you think we should ask her or Mr. Jenkins first?”

“They get you a record deal. They don’t really control you. You’ll only see Misty when she has to tell you when you’re going on tour. Sure she’ll go along for the ride but you won’t see her at all. Trust me on this.”

“Ok. I’m going to sleep though. Yeah, I don’t know what is going on tomorrow so I better get some sleep.”

“We don’t have a concert or anything tomorrow but if I know Frank and Mikey then they’ll want to do something. If you don’t mind I’ll just sleep over here. That way we don’t have to bother the drivers.”

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