Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When I Fall Can I Catch Myself

Meet The Fans

by LittleMissFae 1 review

This could possibly be my favorite chapter so far. Jenny cracks me up!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-23 - Updated: 2010-07-23 - 1299 words - Complete

Authors Note: I have some banners that some of my fans from my other website made for me and a few that I also made. I'll post them as soon as I find a way to post them. If you have an idea please tell me! Also, Don't forget to join the VIP Club!

“Wow Frank, this is the first time that I heard you talking half way serious and being all the way nice to me.”

“I have my times.” He joked. I rolled my eyes at him then saw Gerard out of the side of my eye. He looked like he was completely disconnected from the planet and his eyes held a certain amount of longing in them.

His eyes suddenly wandered over to where I was standing. He smiled when he saw me looking at him and I felt my heart skip a beat. He walked closer to me.

“Hey, you guys were amazing as usual.” I mumbled kind of awkwardly.

“Thanks so were you. Were you nervous?”

“Yeah when I first got up there then I just forgot about it all. It was so amazing and fun.”

“I love performing it makes me forget about everything or at least almost everything.”

“I’ve performed before but you don’t know what performing is until you have a huge audience. I remember the very first time I ever performed in front of an actual crowd was for a talent show when I was in 5th grade. I started out ok then I messed up and totally froze up.” I shivered at the idea of it.

Gerard smiled, “Don’t remind me of school. I never did fit in.”

“Neither did me. I got teased severely. Up until about 11th grade I only had 1 friend, Marie. She’s the one that’s seeing you in concert in a couple of days. Anyways, I finally got tired of it and became an evil bitch. I still didn’t have friends but people didn’t mess with me as much.”

“Wow, it’s like you’re saying my life.” Gerard whispered.

“Hey, I never even had a boyfriend. I bet you did. Well, actually I hope you didn’t have a boyfriend or else tabloids need to know that you aren’t who they think. Well, I told a kid I liked them when I was 7. But he pushed me down and started yelling at me in Chinese. So, does that count?”

Gerard started laughing. “No it doesn’t count and you’re right, I had a few girlfriends through the ages.”

“You talk like you’re so old.”

“Hey, I am old. I’m going into my 30’s and I’m still not settling down. No wife, no kids, nothing but an amazing career.”

I rolled my eyes at him secretly thinking; hey I’ll be your wife. Hey, I think you would too. I mean who wouldn’t? He’s gorgeous, sweet, an amazing musician, everything I look for in a man.

“Hey lovebirds, get over here!” Mikey shouted.

“Oh shut up, Mikey!” I said then flipped him off.

Standing with the rest of the band was a girl decked out in MCR merchandise, a backstage pass wrapped around her neck. Her eyes were bright and her hands were shaking, she looked just like I did when I had gotten to meet them for the first time. Her dream was probably coming true. I thought mine had been too but now I know that it wasn’t because it is now.

“Hey,” Gerard said coolly.

“Oh my god, I don’t believe I’m meeting you. You are amazing! I’m Jenny and I‘m a huge fan, obviously.” Jenny was speed talking. She kind of reminded me of Marie, always in a hurry.

“Hi.” I said shyly.

She squealed then wrapped me in a hug. “Rosemary Blake. Amazing, as soon as I heard about you I looked you up on YouTube. You’re a YouTube queen now. Can I have your autograph?”

“Sure.” I took the journal she was handing me and signed it. Then I handed it back.

“Is this your number?” She asked with amazement.

“Yeah it’s my cell. You’re the first person to ask for my autograph.” She squealed again.

“Oh my god, Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

“Actually I do. About 7 months ago I was in your exact spot meeting them for the first time as a complete fan. Little did I know that I would end up touring with them.”

“Hey, Jenny can we borrow that number? The only one who has it is Gerard and it’s because they love each other.” Ray and Bob said in unison. Jenny’s eyes went huge again.

She went to hand it to them but I stopped her. “Please don’t give it to them. I only give it to cool people.” I said kiddingly. Gerard started to walk off mopey. “Hey you, I gave you my number.”

“No you didn’t. I had to steal it.” He moaned.

“Fine Michael Jackson,” I said before I ran and jumped on his back. I ended up falling. “Owy!” Gerard turned around quickly.

“You made me make a boo boo. Pick me up and carry me!” I demanded.

“Is she always like this?” Jenny said in the background.

I heard groans in the background.

I looked up at Gerard. “You don’t find me annoying do you?” I asked with puppy dog eyes.

“Sadly, no,” He shook his head.

As soon as we got back to the group Jenny was asking questions. “Is it true y’all are going out?”

“No. They just like to tease us because we’re friends and they don’t have friends.”

“Oh ok. I was getting confused. So can I call you all the time?”

“Just about, I’d rather you not call me in the middle of the night. I mean, some nights I may be at parties but others I’m not.”

“Of course not! My friends are going to be so jealous of me. I mean, I met My Chemical Romance, the best band on the planet and Rosemary Blake, a singing goddess. Not to mention I got your number. By the way I loved your new version of I Don’t Love You. I can’t wait to see the entire version.”

“Thanks.” We all said.

“You should make a band, Rosemary. That would so totally be amazing.” Jenny rambled on. I’m telling you she must be Marie’s long lost sister. Now that I think about it, she kind of looks like her.

“I wouldn’t know where to start.”

“You could do it.”

Just then one of the body guards came up. “I’m sorry, but you need to go. The band has places to go.”

“Oh ok. Thank you again, Rosemary, Gerard, Frank, Bob, Ray, Mikey” She started to walk off but continued to talk. “I’ll be sure to call you guys!” She said a few words after that but she was too far to hear.


“They’re all like that.” Bob mumbled.

“Wow!” I said again.

“I don’t believe you gave her your phone number! She’s going to be calling you like crazy.”

“She seemed nice besides I need new friends.”

“Oh you’re going to get friends all right. You’re going to be having so many calls that you need to get a new phone. Ray did that once trust me it didn’t turn out pretty.”

“So I’ll get a new phone. She didn’t look like she would publicize it though.”

“That’s what they all want you to think!”
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