Categories > Movies > Shrek > Out To Find

I Have To Choose?

by 18th_Hole 0 reviews

Fergus has to choose to either go back to the way things were or...

Category: Shrek - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-07-26 - Updated: 2010-07-27 - 836 words

I'm walking around, thinking about mom. Her wish. Then I felt a pain on the back my head. "Ah!"
"Where have you been?!"
"I've been out and about, Galora! Why??"
"Where?" I stood there and stared back at her. I haven't seen Galora this mad. I haven't seen her mad at all.
"Out helping people." I finally answered, "Did I make you mad?"
She hugged me, "No. You just worried me. I was looking everywhere for you, and I couldn't find you. I thought something bad had happened to you." She looked up at me, with her big hazel eyes, "Just let me know before you go somewhere again."
She was really concerned, "Alright, I will." I hugged her. Mom didn't think I knew she was watching us, but I did.
"Dad?" I called out. I went to the kitchen, "Cookie, have you seen my dad?"
"Uh, yeah. I believe I saw him headin' towards the forest..." he leaned down to my level and whispered, "and your mom followed him." He stood back up and spoke in his regular voice, "So, you might want to go check that out. Just be careful."
"Sure thing, Cookie. I'll be sure to."
I went to the back exit of the small resting ground and entered the forest. I've been walking for about five miles out here now. I stopped. I heard someone. Doing...oh no! They couldn't be. Not that. Anything but that! Okay, I kinda take that back. Ahead I saw a small clearing. As I got closer, it was obvious by their noises that that was what they were doing. I kept quiet, and snuck behind a tree. I was alone, at least for a few seconds.
"Oh my god!!" I turned around. There stood Felicia as pale as a ghost.
"Felicia! What are you doing?!?" I grabbed her hand and pulled her all the way back to the resting ground. I pulled her straight to the kitchen. I knew Cookie could fix up something to snap her out of this. "Cookie!"
"Whoa! What happened, little man??" Little! Felicia!
"So I went and checked out that thing you told me to. Turns out Felicia tagged along without me knowing. And let's just say we saw something that we really didn't want to see..." He just stared at me trying to figure out what I was talking about, "Something we could've gone a lifetime without seeing."
"Oh! Oh no, no, no no, no no no. Alright, I got a good fixer-upper coming up."
"Thanks, Cookie."
"Thanks for pulling me away, back there." Felicia and I were walking around.
"Hey, no problem." Then we stopped and were standing by a tent.
"No problem? Never heard that one before."
"I'll explain it to you later." Then she giggled. And I started to giggle with her.
"Y'know? It feels as if I've known you for a while. And we only, just met. It seems like I know so much about you. When, I don't even know the first thing about you. Does that sound insane to you, at all?"
I smiled, "No. It doesn't. Come on. We should go eat, or, something."
"Yeah. We should." We both took one step, and all of the sudden, we were pulled into the tent we were standing by.
"Hey! What the-" It was mom and dad that pulled us in.
"How much did you two see?!?"
"D-dad, I-we-"
"Answer your father, Fergus!"
"Your father??" Felicia turned to me, as we both stayed sitting on the ground, "Shrek is your, dad?"
"Yeah, he is. Why?"
"Just asking. Didn't know. You look a lot like him."
"Yeah. Dude, our parents totally dig each other. Isn't that cool?"
"Fergus!!" Mom yelled.
I gulped, "Yes ma'am?"
"Why did you leave in the first place??" She asked.
"You know why!"
"To come find her?!"
"And now I have! But where is he?!?" I stopped right there. I caught myself before I got out of control, again. That one really looked like it hurt her. That's when dad stepped in.
"Fergus, that's something we'll have to talk about later. But now, we're telling you that you have to make a choice."
"What choice? For what? Dad, what's going on?"
"You can make the choice of staying here, how we are now, with your sister, and all of the new people you've met. Or, we can all go back to the way we were, back at the swamp, arguing with your mother all the time, I can make fish eye tar-tar, you can swim in the lake..." I just stared at him, I realized I have his eyes, "but I can't make that decision. It's up to you what happens to us."
"How long do I have??"
"A week. Now, you two go get something to eat."
"Yes, daddy." We stood, Felicia walked out and waited for me, "Daddy?"
"We didn't see much."
"I know. Go on, now."
I smiled and walked out.
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