Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When I Fall Can I Catch Myself

Meet The Blake's

by LittleMissFae 1 review

Gerard and the band meet Rose's family. (I adore her mom)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-07-28 - Updated: 2010-07-28 - 1767 words - Complete

Authors Note: Lilly is going to be a big part in the story. Review my story if you would like a sequel to be made. Thanks for reading.

My Mom’s cooking is always amazing. A lot better than mine, let’s just say that when I moved away I was always eating take out. My family absolutely adored the boys; to be more specific, Gerard. Lilly had so much fun asking Gerard all about music and being famous. It seemed like Gerard liked Lilly too. My Dad of course brought up camping since it’s his favorite thing to do.

“So do you go camping often?”

“No not really.” Gerard answered.

“It’s really fun. Rosemary adores it, we’ve been going since she was little bitty. She would always try to find the big bad bears. She went about 4 years before she actually found one. She was scared tickled when she saw it through her window. She never went looking for them again.”

“Thank you, Dad. Can we get off the subject of my younger years, please?”

“You were so cute, though. You were so curious.” My dad continued on.

“Mom, please make him stop.” I begged.

“You know I think we may have some pictures. Let me go see.”

“Oh god,” I mumbled while putting my face in my hands.

MCR found it funny. “I can’t wait to see this!” Gerard said.

“Don’t look at it. Please, don’t look at them.” I begged.

“Why would we pass up on a moment like this? We may have finally found something that we could black mail you with.”

“Ah, here it is.” I heard my mom say from the other room. Everyone got up and followed her to the room.

“This is Rose when she was just born.”

“Mom that’s Lilly,” I confirmed.

“Oh, right. This is Rose.” She said while flipping to the next page.

“Awe you were so cute.” Ray said.

“Do you have an extra copy we can have?” Frank asked.

“Now dear, I think Rosemary would jump over the table and kill me if I gave you a copy.”

“Thanks Mom.”

“This is her when she was 5 and graduating kindergarten. She had just lost her first tooth.”


“Mom, please stop showing them this. They don’t want to see it.” I whined.

“I think they want to see it, Rose.” Lilly commented.

“You stay out of it, little girl!”

“You could probably have a copy of this one though. She looked so pretty there. She was in 6th grade.” My mom compromised.

Gerard took the picture that my mom was handing him. I jumped over the coffee table trying to snatch it out of his hands. He raised it up high in the air where I couldn’t reach it.

“Give it to me!” I demanded.

“Why would I do that?” He teased.

“Because you’re a good friend and good friends help friends out.”

“I may be good friend but that doesn’t mean I have to be nice 100% of the time. I thought I was being pretty nice.”

“You are but you’d be a lot nicer if you would give me that picture.”

“But I haven’t even really gotten the chance to look at it yet.”

“Gerard…” I begged.

“Nope,” he stood his ground.

“Fine then I am going to have to have to snatch it right out of your hands.” I tried to jump up to reach it but was still unable to. Right when I tried to jump on the coffee table so I could reach it Gerard ran with it.

I followed him all the way out the door and into the yard. I thought he was going to stop there but he kept on running. We were in the streets by now. I chased after the man that had what possibly could have been the ugliest picture in the world.

After we had been running for about 10 minutes people started to stare at us. Then they started to chase us while screaming, “Gerard!” We picked up the pace and were sprinting down the road. I hadn’t run this much in a long time so I was wheezing.

“How can you run this far and not be tired at all?”

“Many concerts of jumping up and down,” answered Gerard.

I ran for another couple minutes before I stumbled over my own foot and ended up having what I thought was a twisted ankle. “Ow,” I cried.

Gerard looked back at me. “What’s wrong?”

“I twisted my ankle.”

“Can you run?”

“I’ll try,” I continued. As soon as I started to try to run on it I knew I was not going to be able to run on it. “Never mind, it hurts to bad.”

“Can I carry you?”

“If you can hold me; I’m not light.”

Gerard picked me up with success. He turned around and jogged back to the house with me in his arms.

“Wow, you’re strong!”

“Many concerts of jumping up and down,” he said again.

“So basically concerts make you fit?”

“Yeah, basically.”

“Can I please have that picture?”

“No,” he said stubbornly.

“Give it to me, please I looked hideous.”

“No you didn’t!”

“Then why do you want it? If it doesn’t look hideous then there must be a reason you want it. Just give it back to me, please?”

“No,” he said sternly. I was getting tired of this game so I went straight for his hand. I tried to yank it out of his hand but wasn’t successful. I ended up tackling him to my parent’s lawn. He was taken aback by this so I had time to try and snatch the picture out of his hand. I had the picture for a split second before I tried to block Gerard with my arm leaving the picture right in the open.

He grabbed it which let me tell you was not the best thing he could have done. I was beyond mad so my temper got the best of me. I swung my fist into his chest once. It felt so good so I did it for a second time. Before I knew it I was pounding as hard as I could on his chest. Gerard got away from me but I was still trying to hit him. He grasped my arms to the ground and leaned over me.

I squirmed as much as I could while trying to break his grip. Finally I gave up with my arms so I started trying to kick me. He moved away so I couldn’t kick him.

I heard the door slam open and the frantic voice of my mother. “Rosemary what are you doing?”

I ignored her and focused on Gerard. “Let me go!” He didn’t budge.

“Why would I let you go if you’re just going to start fighting me again?”

“This is why!” Adrenalin pumped through my veins and I finally had the power to break through. I started to grab the picture from Gerard before he could recover but I suddenly felt hard arms grasping around my own arms. I looked up and saw that the arms belonged to Mikey.

Mikey started to walk me away from Gerard but before we could get far I felt paper slide into my hand. I looked down and saw the picture that I had been trying to retrieve. I looked up to see the sad eyes of Gerard. I stopped struggling Mikey for a few seconds then I pulled away from him (which took a great bit of strength).

Gerard backed away from me at first when he thought I was going to go for another round of punches. When he found me hugging him he just stood there for a minute then finally wrapped his arms around me too.

I heard the sound of the boys making awing noises behind us. When I looked over at them I spotted Lilly being one of the people in awe. I had forgotten about my ankle until I felt a pain course through it.

I guess it showed since Lilly came up to me with a worried expression. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing I’m ok. Don’t worry about me. Do you all your things packed?” I tried to change the subject. I didn’t want my little sister worrying about me. It seemed like she had forgotten about the subject of me being in pain but no one else did.

“Yeah, mom helped me.”

I bent down to her so I was ear level with her. “Don’t worry I’ll take you shopping and we can buy you some cool clothes.” Her eyes brightened and she started jumping up and down.

“How about you go bring your stuff downstairs since we’re going to have to leave soon?” I asked. She nodded and ran into the house. As soon as she was inside my mom came over to me.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“I twisted my ankle, that’s all.” I tried to reassure her.

“Well, come on let’s try to get you inside.” I put my arm around her neck and tried to limp inside. Half of my weight was being held up by my mom and I could tell she was struggling not to collapse herself.

I heard Gerard’s voice behind me, “Would you like me to help her inside, Mrs. Blake.”

“That would be wonderful, Gerard. Thank you so much.”

I suddenly felt my mother letting go and replaced by Gerard. “Thanks,” I mumbled.

Gerard was silent. It wasn’t like him to be silent. Was he mad at me for acting the way I did? I shouldn’t care what he thinks, though. Sadly, I did though. Somewhere deep inside me felt as though I had to be accepted by him. I didn’t like this feeling because I hadn’t really felt it since about 4th grade.

“Hey I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have gotten angry like I did.” I apologized.

“Dude, I’m sorry about not giving the picture back to you. I didn’t know it meant that much to you.” He said bitterly.

“Whatever,” I tried to shrug away from him. But he wouldn’t let me go. “Do you not notice that I’m trying to get away or are you still moping about yourself?”

“Will you stop being a bitch?”

“Sure, I’ll start when you do.”
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