Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Six Months

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-04 - Updated: 2010-08-05 - 665 words - Complete

The next day I was back inside the doctor’s office I told him what happen yesterday he was not happy but he was not angry. I still feared he would send me back to the padded room; I hate that room much then anything. The only way out of this asylum was to start getting over my fears something I knew deep down would be hell to do but I had to do this.

“I do not know what else I can do; I tried putting you in a room hoping it would change you. But it failed what do you think I should do, “The doctor ask in a defeated tone

All I had to say was give me a chance to get better but fear was taking over, as always, I had no idea if I could get better. However, I knew if I wanted to leave this place then I had to try.

“All I can say is give me a chance to get over my fears; I want to leave this asylum forever, “I replied.

“Do you think you can really do that? If you think you can then go for it, I have no another ideas. I will give you a deal I will give you six months to get better if you can prove to me you can get over your fears, then your free to leave, “ The doctor said.

“It’s a deal, “I replied.

After talking about what would happen if I did not get better, I finally left his office. I had six months to get better part of me felt like I could not do this as if there was no way for me to get better, but deep down all I can do was try I would not give in this easy. I went into Gerard’s room to tell him the news.

“I have six months to get better, “I said to him while he was sitting on his bed.

“Really? So in six months if you get better then you can finally leave, “He ask

“Yeah I can finally leave if I prove to the doctor I can get over my fears. The only problem is I do not think I can do this, “I said while sitting beside him.

“Don’t think like that. I know you can do this if I can try to get over my fear then I know you can too, “He replied with a smile.

He was right about that if he could do this then so could I, getting over my fears was not going to be easy. I knew there was going to be days were I do go insane and I knew my hell was only about to begin. If I did not get better then I would have to go to another asylum that was people like me, I could not tell Gerard what would happen if I did not get better, I did not won’t him to worry.

“Your right if you can do this, then so can I, “I said even though I did not believe it.

“I’ll be with you every step of the way anytime you need me you know where to find me. Do not be afraid to ask for my help I want you to get better, I want you to have a normal life behind those walls out there. I know you can do this Frankie I believe in you, “He said while putting his arms around me.

I feel safe whenever he puts his arms around me I forget about the world and just enjoy being with him. I was so happy he believe in me I could not do this without him none of this would happen if I never met him and I am glad I did. I just knew this was not going to be easy, that I was going to face hell soon.

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