Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Day One-Fear

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-13 - Updated: 2010-08-14 - 636 words - Complete

Day one-Fear

Today was the first day of getting better I did not know how I could do this. The doctor wanted to try something to see why I fear the dark. I was going to be lock in a small room without lights the doctor wanted to see how long I could go being left alone in the dark, and what runs through my mind when I’m in the dark. I did not see how this was going to help I tried everything to not let this happen but the doctor said I had to do this or forget about the deal.

I was sitting in a small room the walls were white I was sitting in a chair facing the window where the doctor was behind it. It was beyond silent in the room I was the only one in the room. I tried to think positive thought not letting my fear build up it was not working. I wanted this test to be over with already I knew I was not going to make it much longer.

“Okay Frank the test is about to start, just try and relax, “The doctor said through the speaker.

My heat began to race my mind started to flood with thoughts before I could even blink the lights went out. I could not see anything in front of me not even my hand. I was staying still in the chair trying to stay calm I kept telling myself not to go insane.

My hands started to shake I could feel the insane feeling building up fear was taking over, but I was not going to move. My thoughts were afraid someone might come to hurt me, afraid of what I might see in the dark. I never really knew what my thoughts were because I would always escape before I knew.

My thoughts were screaming in my ear to go insane already to get out of the dark, my heart was beating even faster. I had no idea how long I have been sitting in the chair I could not take it any longer I had to leave. I jump out of my chair I grab the chair I threw it at the wall.

“Let me out! “ I yelled.

The worst part as yet to come I was not fully insane just yet, I did not won’t to be. Before I yelled, again the lights came back on.

“Clam down Frank the test is over, the nurse will let you out in one minute, “The doctor said over the speaker.

I ran towards to the door waiting for the nurse to open the door, finally the door open. I ran out of the room not caring about anything. I needed to find Gerard I wanted to feel safe again I felt like I was unsafe I kept running until I got to his room. Without thinking I ran in his room he was sitting on the edge on his bed, I ran to him and hug him.

“Frank are you okay, “He asks while putting his arms around me.

“ The doctor put me in this room he was doing a test to see how long I could make it without going insane while being left alone in the dark, “ I said while trying to breathe.

“That’s not right the doctor should not be doing that to you. You are not ready to face your fears just yet, “He replied.

I did not say anything back I just wanted that safe feeling back as I kept hugging him the fear was going away; I started to feel safe again. Gerard was right I was not ready to face my fears so soon; I just hope tomorrow it will not happen again.

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