Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Day Two Strangers

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-24 - Updated: 2010-08-25 - 728 words - Complete

Day Two-Strangers

The second day was another test for me the doctor put me in the same room as yesterday. The doctor would slowly be letting strangers come into the room until I went insane or when the test was finish. This was going to be the hardest test I would rather be left alone in the dark then be in a room with strangers.

The room was somewhat cold it was silent I could hear my own thoughts fear was already building up. I knew I would not last long for this test I hate strangers. I tried to stay clam thinking nothing bad would happen I was safe but I was just lying to myself I had no idea what could happen. I saw no point in this test I did not see the point in the other test but the doctor keeps saying this would help me.

I kept staring at the door waiting for the test to begin waiting to go insane I was going to show these stranger how insane I could be. Going insane would only make getting better much slower but if this would be the only way to leave this room the so be it.

“Okay Frank just stay clam I will be sending one person in, then after more will come in. No one can touch you and you cannot touch them, the test will start, “The doctor said over the speaker.

No one could touch me that probably was only to try to keep me clam I did not believe the doctor. I was not going to touch any one I did not won’t to touch some stranger, and no one should touch me. I heard the door open I saw a guy with short brown hair walk in. He did not even look at me he just walk around the room as if I was a ghost in the room. I moved to the middle of the floor the farther away I was from him the better.

Five minutes went by soon after I heard the door open again I saw three people walk in, two were guys and the other was a girl. One guy had short blond hair with the other guy had medium black hair, the girl had long black hair. No one look at each other as if you were not allowed too, so far I was keep clam but I could feel the fear rise up in me.

The strangers were walk along the room keep a great distance from me the farther away I was from them the better. Ten minutes have went by again I heard the door open I saw four more strangers walk into the room. Two guy and two girls, all had brown hair I did not keep looking at them I started to feel my hands shake the was starting to make me go insane.

I just stood in the middle of the room not moving I was to afraid to move I could feel eyes on me ever so often I knew the strangers were looking me. I kept my head down so I would not look at them trying to make my mind believe that no one was in the room. Fifteen minutes have went by I heard the door open once again six people came in the room.

I had lost count of how many strangers were in the room now I no longer cared the insane feeling started to take over. My hands were shaking I could feel the fear build stronger by the second I could do two things I could either go insane or wait until more people come into the room I could escape when the door open.

I walk over to the door I tried not to seem like I was waiting for the door to open because then the doctor would see what was going on, twenty minutes have gone by and just then the door open. Eight people came in the room I kept waiting just as the door was about to close I kick it open, I ran out.

Again Im sorry for the long wait, I've been busy and I've been at the beach for a week. So please forgive me. There's a second part I will post later. Thanks for the reviews.
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