Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Day Two-Strangers Part Two

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-26 - Updated: 2010-08-26 - 719 words - Complete

I had no idea where I was running to I just needed to get away I could hear the doctor calling my name. Part of me wanted to stop knowing I could not run forever I needed to get better. The other part just kept on running as if I was running for my life; I got to the end of the hallway when I stop. I had to do this I had to start getting better. I turn around to see the doctor walking towards me I had no idea if he would be mad.

“Frank if you felt feared all you had to say was stop, “The doctor said while stopping in front of me.

“I know I was just afraid I was not thinking I just wanted to leave that room, “I replied.

“I know this is hard but this will help you get over your fears I want to do this at least one time a week and then soon after two times. The goal is to be unafraid to make it were you do not care about the dark or being left alone with strangers, “The doctor said.

Doing these tests at least one time a week was going to be hard for me. Just getting through it within twenty minutes was hard I cannot think about how it will be when it starts again.

“So I have to do both test once a week, “I ask

“No. We are going to work on getting over the fear of the dark. You lasted longer then the strangers so if we get that fear out then we are going to work on strangers. Since today is Friday, we will start the test Monday and work our way from there, “The doctor replied.

I just shook my head it was not like I had a choice in this I mean I could easily say I did not won’t to do this anymore but that would mean I would break my promise to Gerard. Gerard was the reason why I was doing this so I could finally leave this asylum.

I walk towards Gerard’s room I did not feel like being around any more strangers I was ready feeling unsafe I wanted to feel safe again. Once I got to his room, I walk in to see Gerard not here; it kind of made me sad I was hoping he would be here.

I knew where he was I left his room heading towards the sundeck it has been a while since I have been out here. I miss going out here watching the sunset with him as I got to the doors I saw Gerard sitting at the table. I smiled for the first time day I open the glass door and walk outside I could feel the warm air blowing all around me.

“How did the test go, “He asks as I sit down in the chair.

“Bad. I made it fro twenty minutes I could no longer handle it too many strangers started to fill up the room. After six more people walk in I made a run for it, I ran until I got to the end of the hallway. The doctor told me we would work on one thing at a time. Starting Monday I will be working on my fear of the dark, “I said while looking at him.

“I’m sorry you are having to go through these tests I know it must be hard for you. However, I do think it will help you get over your fear, just know when ever you feel scared I am always here for you, “He replied.

I hated it myself I think these tests are a waste of time but deep down I do think it will help me over come my fears. I just want all of this to be over with I no longer want to be afraid of anything, I was happy that he would always be here for me. I needed Gerard through this I could not do this without him. I lay my head on his shudder trying to get my safe feeling back. It seem like my hell was slowly starting I just hope after everything I will make it.

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