Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Day Three-Dont Fear

by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-05 - Updated: 2010-09-06 - 731 words - Complete

Monday had finally come I feared for this day, the weekend went by fast. Being at an asylum it does not seem like there is a weekend it is just another day for everyone. The doctor was going to do another test the lights would be out on the top floor where I stayed. Everyone else was gone no one was on this floor I had to find my way back to my room without going insane. I was in the doctor’s office waiting for this stupid test to begin.

“All you have to do is walk back to your room without going insane,” The doctor said.

It was way much easier said then done my mind was already running with thoughts of fear I knew I would not make it. I had to give this a try I had to do this I wanted to leave this asylum.

“Alright Frank the lights are out, the test starts now, “The doctor said while I walk out of his office.

I stood behind the door trying to move my legs it was as if I froze in one place, I wanted to move but fear was stopping me. I took a deep breath I had to get through this I slowly started to walk down the hallway, everywhere I look there was darkness.

I was staying clam for the most part my hands began to shake I could feel the insane feeling starting to build up within me I tried to stay clam I was failing by the minute. I could no longer take it I ran down the hallway until I reach to the doors that lead outside. The only light I could find I was far from my room but I did not care. I went outside as I walk out I notice Gerard was sitting out here.

“What are you doing out here, “I ask trying to catch my breath.

“I did not won’t to go out with everyone why should I enjoy freedom when I can’t have it. I thought the doctor was giving you another test, “He said while looking at me.

“I just failed. The test was me finding my way back to my room while the lights were out, I did not make it. I cannot make it I fear the dark, “I said while looking down.

I was feeling bad that I failed I was almost there but I let fear win like always I never seem to let fear lose, just then I felt his arms warp around me.

“You are half way there that’s a big step from all the other times. I know you can do this Frank it will take time you just cannot get over your fear within a couple of days, “He said while still hugging me.

I was half way there I probably could have made it but as always I let fear take over I let fear get the best of me and let it win. If I was going to get better, I had to put a stop to all of these I could not longer let fear do this anymore.

“I know and I also know I can no longer let fear keep doing this, I can no let fear take over my life. Tomorrow I will do this I not let fear take over; I can do this, “I replied.

“I know you can do this I believe in you. The doctor is at the door, go talk to him. I will be here after you are done, “He said while letting go.

The safe feeling I had while he was hugging me left when he let go, I felt the fear replace the safe feeling. I made my way towards the door I walk back inside.

“I kind of knew you would not make it on the first try, that’s okay. We can try again tomorrow if you like, “The doctor said.

“I want to try again tomorrow I know I can make it then, “I replied.

The doctor shook his head and walk away I walk back outside. I really do think I can do this I can make it make back in the dark, but yet I had fear that I could not. Maybe going insane is the best way out.

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