Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Day Four-Don't Go Insane

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-24 - Updated: 2010-09-25 - 623 words - Complete

I was once again standing near the doctor’s office this would be my third time trying to fight my fear of the dark. In some ways, I was wanting to fight this fear I wanted to be able to be left alone in the dark without going crazy like an insane person, but in other ways, I just wanted all of this to stop. I slowly made my way down the dark hallway fear was already building up. I was going to make it I was not going to let fear win.

I could see some light from the doors to the sundeck I felt a little better, but as I past it, everything got dark again. I was no longer safe I kept walking I swear I could see things in the dark but I just push it aside I had to over come this.

I had one more hallway to go before I would reach my room I look down the hallway I wanted to run I wanted to go insane but I just stood there. I took a deep breath and started to make my way down it, at my room would be the doctor waiting for me. I past Gerard’s room it was beyond hard not running in there wanting to feel safe again but I had to do this.

Before I even knew it I was at my room I made it without going insane, at first I could not believe it. I face my fear of the dark I was slowly getting better.

“Well done Frank I am proud of you, I know that was not easy, “The doctor said while the lights came back on.

“I’m surprise that I made it, “I replied.

“I know it was hard but at least you made it. Now I want to keep doing this test until you no longer fear the dark. We will do the test again Friday, “The doctor said before walking away.

That is when fear set in once more just because I face my fear today did not mean I would face it again. If I made it without going insane, I could do this again. I ran down the hallway going towards Gerard’s room I wanted to tell him the good news. I ran inside to see him sitting on his bed.

“I did it I made it without going insane I face my fear, “I said with a smile.

“That’s good Frankie I am so proud of you, I knew you could do it, “He said while hugging me.

And just like that, the safe feeling came back I no longer feared I was finally happy, it was amazing how someone can make you feel so safe.

“I’m proud of me too. The doctor wants to do the test again Friday I am scared that I will not make it next time, “I said in a whisper.

“ I know it will be hard it is not easy facing your fears every time you come to face them, but I know you can do it again I believe in you, “ He replied.

It was beyond hard trying to face my fear while trying to stay clam I had to think if I made it today without going insane, I could do it again Friday. I tried not to think about it I just wanted to enjoy the safe feeling while it lasted. I tried to stay clam not thinking about Friday, but maybe going insane is the best way out of everything.

So sorry about the wait. For now on if I take to long to upate,you have the right to bug me until I do,deal?
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