Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Day Five-Regret

by xFamousLivingDeadx 5 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-10-15 - Updated: 2010-10-16 - 614 words - Complete

Tomorrow would be the day I had to face my fear once again; the doctor wanted me to keep facing my fear until I was no longer afraid. But what if I never over come my fear just because I had face my fear for once did not mean I could do this again. I bet my fear I did not let it win but who is to say I would do it again, I just want this all to be over with.

Over the last month Gerard had been getting better, he can finally sleep without having dreams I over heard the doctor talking to Gerard if he keeps it up the doctor is letting him leave. My heart stop beating I could not believe it I felt angry and sad, I was angry that he would be leaving without me and sad that I could probably ever see him again.

I did not tell Gerard what I had heard I have not seen him since yesterday maybe we are better off alone; he could finally leave and met someone who does not have fears. Gerard could live a normal life with someone else, there is no promise I will leave this asylum.

I finally got off my bed and headed towards the sundeck I needed to think, when I got there I saw Gerard out there, I had to tell him what I heard. I slowly open the door I had a bad feeling this would turn out bad. I walk over towards the table and sat down.

“I need to talk to you, “I whisper out.

“Okay, what about, “He asks while turning towards me.

“I over heard you and the doctor talking yesterday, if you keep getting better you’re leaving soon, “I replied not being able to look at him.

“Oh you heard, “He said not knowing what to say.

“How can you leave? It is not fair you promise you would help me every step of the way, and now your leaving forgetting all about me, “I said in angry.

“It’s not I want to leave I cannot keep staying here if I am better. I never plan for this to happen, “He said in a clam voice.

“Yes you did I bet you plan this all along, you never cared about me. You just cannot wait until you leave, I bet you are counting down the days, “I replied still in angry.

“ Yeah I plan this all alone I plan the whole leaving to another asylum knowing you would follow, I plan the whole waiting until you started to get better so I could leave, yeah I plan the whole damn thing, “ He said sarcastically.

“Go hell I no longer care about you any more, I am better off without you, “I yelled while getting up to leave.

“You go hell. Do not come to me when you are fucking scared because I will not be there, “He scream.

I ran away from him I could feel the tears coming down my face, I tried to stay strong but I just couldn’t. I ran back inside towards my room. I could not believe what just happen it seems like only yesterday I was so happy and now I am broken. I did not care who saw me crying I no longer gave a damn, once I got to my room; I slam the door behind me.

I was better off without him I was better off without everyone, maybe I should just leave this asylum. I no longer wanted to be here I am starting to regret coming here.

Sorry for the long wait. Forgive?
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