Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Day Six-For The Best

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-10-16 - Updated: 2010-10-16 - 788 words - Complete

Friday had come way to fast today was my fourth test of the dark, the test for today would be different I would be lock in a room with no windows just like the room at the other asylum. I would have to see how long I could take being alone in the dark. All night alone thoughts of the fight have been replaying in my head I never meant to get mad but it was not fair, Gerard promise he would be with until the end.

Thoughts about leaving this asylum have been running through my mind also I am not staying here if Gerard is leaving or staying. I cannot face him it kills me every time I look at him, I want to just run into his arms and tell him how much I love, but I never do. I have to forget about Gerard and just move on with getting better; I think it is for the best.

I am so focus on Gerard I forget that I am lock in a room with any lights, my has soon as I realize there is no lights fear starts to build up within me. Maybe if I can prove to the doctor I am getting better he will let me go to another asylum where I can get better faster and finally be free.

I have to stay clam I can not go insane no matter how much my mind is screaming in my ear to go insane, I need to stay strong I cannot let fear win. I have no idea how long I have been sitting in this room I just try to keep clam. I can feel my hands start to shake I just close my eyes and get breathe slowly, if I just stay clam I will not go insane.

Before I even know it I see the door open, did I make it? The lights start to turn on I think I finally made it. The doctor walks in I can tell I finally face my fear.

“Well done Frank I am proud of you, you lasted for twenty minutes. I want to keep this going until I know for sure you finally face your fear, “The doctor said.

“I need to talk to you, “I said trying to stay clam.

“Alright let’s go into my office, “The doctor said while stepping out of the room.

I got up from the floor and followed behind, did I really want to leave this place. I came here for Gerard so I could be with him, his the only reason I am here. I found myself in the same place as the last time, I was going to leave because of him but this time is different I would also be leaving to get better, to finally leave the asylum.

I reach the doctor’s office I walk in following the doctor; I had no idea what I wanted to do. The doctor walk behind his desk and sit down, I walk over towards the chair sitting in front of his desk.

“So Frank what did you want to talk about, “The doctor ask.

“I was just wonder, if I wanted more help with my fears was there another asylum I could go to or something, “I ask.

“Well I was going to talk to you about this, there’s a place that helps people with fear it’s kind of like a rehab place but it’s not rehab. You would stay there for a two months and if you were finally better, you would be able to leave for good. Instead of going for the whole six months deal, this would be shorter, “The doctor explains.

“What do you think I should do, “I ask not knowing what I want to do.

“I think if you chose to go to this place it would really help you, but if you don’t then that’s fine. It is really up to you what you want to do Frank. Come back tomorrow and I will explain more, that way you can really think about what you want to do, “The doctor replied.

After talking I left his office my mind was running with thoughts about leaving and staying. I had no idea what I was going to do, part of me wanted to leave. The other part of me was yelling for me to stay that I cannot always run from my problems. Maybe leaving the asylum would be for the best.

Since I feel way bad for taking years to update, I updated again. I will update again later, but if I forget you can yell at me,deal?
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