Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I've Got Headaches and Bad Luck

“Joe you just ate couch pizza.”

by mandy9207 3 reviews

The boys meet up with Ryan again and they find Patrick...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Published: 2010-08-08 - Updated: 2010-08-08 - 2124 words - Complete

“That boy needs to lay off the blow.” Andy said as he rubbed his now throbbing neck.

“Fucking motherfucking cock sucking bastard!!” Pete screamed.

“What he said.” Joe said as he got off of the ground as he laid on top of the hood of the car.

“What do we do now?”

Pete shrugged with a serious expression on his face. “I. Don’t. Know.” He said slowly.

“Since when?!” Andy yelled.

Pete just sat there with the same blank expression on his face.
The trio finally came to a halt. They were stuck. Pete had ran out of ideas and suggestions. Pete was tired he wanted to find his best friend and go home but he didn’t know where to start. For once Pete needed help the one person that could help him is missing and Pete wasn’t entirely sure if he’s okay and that scared him. It scared all of them.

“Let’s go eat.” Joe said.

Pete and Andy nodded and got in the car. Once they guys ate they actually felt a little bit better. They walked out of the restaurant and into Pete’s car.

“Pete I’m really sorry about your car.” Joe said with guilt.

“Don’t worry about it man. It’s only the inside and besides I have a guy who’s great with interior.”

As soon as those words came out of Pete’s mouth a black Escalade rammed into the side of them pushing the car into a pole near an adult warehouse. The car went into reverse causing a neon sign of a woman to fall right on top of the car only inches away from decapitating Joe who was sitting in the back.

“Jesus!” Andy yelled.

“Oh god.” Pete said as he covered his hands with his face.

Joe removed Pete’s hands and pointed to Ryan who was sitting outside of the car and the same two tall men from the wedding chapel stood behind him.

“Those are the guys that shot Eddie!” Joe pointed out.

“Get out of the car please!”

“You rammed into my fucking car so the door won’t open dick head!” Pete yelled.

Ryan snapped his fingers and the two men pulled each member of Fall Out Boy out from underneath their arm pits through the window.

“I. Want. My. Purse. BACK! Assholes!!” Ryan shouted as he held Joe’s satchel he had last night.

“What purse?!” Pete asked.

“It’s not a purse it’s a satchel!!” Joe barked.

“It’s a purse! Okay! You guys stole from the wrong guy!” Ryan yelled.

“Wait a second! We stole from YOU?” Pete said as he leaned against the car.

“Okay we don’t remember ANYTHING from last night so help us out a little.” Andy said.

“Well apparently you guys were at a craps table late last night and you were on a real heater and he played your hot streak.” One of Ryan’s body guards said as he pointed to Joe. “He ended up winning eighty grand.”

“Oh shit eighty grand? Nice.” Pete said as he looked at Ryan.

“Okay! That’s good.” Andy said.

“He put the chips in his purse and you guys took off with it.” He finished.

“That does not sound like us.”

“Mine had eighty thousand dollars in it! This one! Nothing!!” Ryan yelled as he threw down the purse and stomped on it.


One of the body guards punched Joe right in the gut.

“OW owowowowow!!” He yelled as he held his stomach and Ryan began to laugh.

“Don’t let the beard fool you he’s just a child!” Andy said as he put his arm around Joe.

“It’s just a misunderstanding. Joe picked up the wrong purse it’s no big deal!” Pete said.

“Well if it’s no big deal why did you start screaming like a lunatic and throw me in the trunk?!” Ryan shouted.

“I did that?” Pete said as he pointed to himself.

“Yeah you said he was your lucky charm and you wanna take him home with you.” The body guard said.

Pete Joe and Andy burst into laughter.

“Lucky charm!” Andy said as he laughed.

“That shit’s funny.” Pete said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

Ryan began to laugh as well. “FUCK YOU!” He yelled completely changing his tone of voice. “If you want to see Patrick again you get me my eighty grand.”

“WHAT?!” They all screamed at once.

“YOU HAVE PATRICK?!” Andy yelled.

“Where is he?!!” Pete shouted in Ryan’s face.

One of the body guards walked to the car and banged on it. Pete Andy and Joe looked through the windows to find Patrick sitting in the back seat with a bag over his head.

“PATRICK!!” They all said as they ran to the car but Ryan’s body guard held them back.

“Okay alright!” Pete said as he put his hands up.

“What do you want?” Andy said.

“Ohh it’s not so funny now is it douche bags??” Ryan said with a smug tone in his voice.

“Look we’re very sorry! This is an easy fix. Joe! Where’s your purse?” Pete said as he went to Joe.

“I don’t know.” Joe said quietly.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN-“ Andy stopped. “It’s in the hotel room right?!”

“Yeah probably.”

“Okay we’ll get it to you. We could even right you check!” Andy said.

“No checks! Cash only.” Ryan said as he rubbed his fingers together.

“There’s a person in there!!” Andy yelled.

Ryan yawned. “Come on let’s go.” He said as he got in there car and his body guards followed.

“Wait no no no no no no! Don’t go!” Pete shouted.

“You kidnapped Patrick!!” KIDNAPPER!!” Andy screamed as he got in front of the car. “Do it. Run me over.” The car moved up only centimeters away from Andy as he ran out of the way.
Pete began to pound on the window and Ryan opened it.

“Bring my money and meet me at the Mohave desert at dawn. Toodaloo mother fuckers!!” Ryan shouted.

“Wait! Atleast take the bag off his head!! FUCK!!” Andy yelled as he watched the car take off.

Now that they had finally found out where Patrick was they drove as fast as they could back to the hotel to look for that god damned purse.

Pete went to the kitchen ripped open every cabinet and drawer Andy trashed the every bedroom and Joe lifted up every cushion in the front of the room.

“Oh hey look!” Joe said happily

Pete and Andy raced to the living room. “You found it?!”

“No it’s pizza.” He said as he sat down and ate it.

“Did you just get that from the couch?” Pete said as he looked at Joe with disgust.

Joe nodded. “Joe you just ate couch pizza.” Andy said.

Once again he nodded. Joe scarfed down his pizza and swallowed. “Guys I’m telling you I looked for it before we left it’s not here.”

“Well than what the fuck are we going to do?!” Andy shouted.

Pete and Joe looked at each other exchanging looks to one another.

“Joe do you still know how to count cards?” Pete said deviously.

Joe smiled wickedly.

Pete and Joe made their way to the black jack table Joe took a seat and Pete stood behind him. Andy and Monica stood there as well pretending not to know one another to keep an eye on the pit bosses.

Within hours Joe was halfway to there and not breaking a sweat his eyes staying glued to his deck and the dealer’s. Joe had 20 if he won this pot he could walk out of this casino and get Patrick back but if he’s hits and gets anything more than ace he’s dead like disco so Joe took a risk he lost count on the deck so know this was actual gambling not only with money but with his best friend’s life as well.

Joe hit. The dealer looked at him and gave him ‘you’re gonna regret that kid’ look.

“I don’t even know but I’m gonna tell you that was a stupid move.” Andy said as he laughed.

The dealer put down the card and Joe’s heart stopped beating. Ace. Pete started wooing and laughing.

Monica was doing her part and keeping an eye on the security she noticed one tall man with a goatee was eyeing Joe and talking to other men who worked at the hotel.

“I think they’re catching on.” She whispered to Andy.

“Shit.” Andy said underneath his breath.

Monica shifted in her stool making herself fall over on purposely. Getting the security’s attention ahd helping her up.

“Ow ow.” She said as they tried to lift her up.

“Mam are you alright?” The pit boss said.

“It’s my back.” She said as she clenched her teeth.

“Let’s try to get you up.” The other man said.

“Hey hey slow it down! That’s my wife if she says she’s hurt then she’s hurt.” Andy said.

As Andy talked to the security Monica watched Pete and Joe as they cashed in their chips.

“You know what I’m fine.”

“Oh okay thank you gentlemen nice seeing ya.” Andy said as he picked up Monica and grabbed some of his chips and ran out of the casino.

The boys were now on their way to the Mohave dessert clapping and laughing with the biggest smiles on their faces.

“Joe you were great!! You’re amazing buddy!!” Andy said happily.

“So are you Andy.” Joe said nicely.

“See guys?! Things are finally working out! We should come back here!”

“You know what you’re right.”

“Yeah I’m down but I can’t make it next week the Jonas Brothers are in town but anything after that and I’m in.” Joe said.

"This was awesome guys." Pete said.

"Yeah." Joe said. "You guys are awesome...cause were the 3 best frineds that anybody could have were the 3 best friends that anybody could have and we'l never ever never ever never ever leave each other" Joe sang as he put his arms around Pete and Andy.

Pete and Andy looked at Joe and brushed it off. They arrived the place where Ryan told them to meet at and they saw the car from last night.

“Now what?” Pete said.

“Give them the signal.”

“What signal?”

“Flicker your lights. Let ‘em know it’s on.”

“What’s on?”

“The deal.”

“Of course it’s on we just drove 30 miles into the dessert.”

“Pete! Just do something!” Andy shouted.

“Fine.” He said as he flickered his lights on and off.

The car doors opened and Ryan and his body guards came out of the car.

“See?” Joe said.

“Alright let’s go.” Pete murmured.

The 3 walked over to in front on their car and Ryan was in front of his. They were at least five feet away from each other.

“Okay we got your money.” Pete said as he held up a bag.

“Throw it over and I’ll give you Patrick.”

“Wait. Ryan before we give you the money we’d like to see Patrick ya know just to verify he’s okay. If that’s cool with you?” Andy said calmly.

“Of course Andy. It’s cool.” Ryan said as he took off his sunglasses.

Ryan clapped and one of the body guards brought out Patrick. He had a bag over his head while swearing and trying to get out of the man’s grip.

“Oh thank god.” Andy said with relief as he grabbed his chest.
“See? He’s fine. Now gimme the money. Or I’ll shoot him and all you motherfuckers and I’ll take it your choice bitches.” Ryan said as his body guard revealed a gun.

“Give him the money Andy.” Pete said.

Andy threw the bag over to Ryan and he gave to his body guard who looked through the bag.

“Yeah boss it’s all there.”

“Let him go!” Ryan yelled.

The body guard walked Patrick over to Joe Pete and Andy and took the bag off his head.

The three men’s mouths dropped.

“Who the hell is this?!” Pete screamed.

“What you talkin’ bout Willis? That’s Patrick!” Ryan screamed.

“I’m sorry Ry that’s not our Patrick.” Andy said with disbelief in his voice.

“That’s Patrick from Weezer!!” Joe yelled.

As in Patrick Wilson drummer for the all mighty Weezer xD
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