Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When I Fall Can I Catch Myself

Let This Be My Fairytale

by LittleMissFae 3 reviews

This is one of my favorite chapters. You finally get to see why she is the way she is.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-08-09 - Updated: 2010-08-09 - 1743 words - Complete

I was shocked, stunned, I didn't know what to say! "I, um, well, I do but..." The happiness on his face quickly vanished and it was replaced with sheer regret. "I'm not sure if I can date again."

It took a second for him to look back up. "Again?"

"Yeah," I cut the word short and sharp. I knew I sounded too harsh and I hated every bit of it. I wasn't sure if I could do it again though. Would it be the same as the last one. If it was, I did not want to get back into a relationship. "I'm sorry, I just... I just can't."

"Why not?" His voice sounded so melancholy. It was absolutely killing me inside. I wanted to be his so badly. I was too scared. I guess in the end I was a coward.
What do I do? Be honest? I didn't want to sound like a whiney baby or pathetic. Especially not to him. "Because my last relationship was horrible."

"But I'm someone different." He was right, he is someone different. Maybe he'll understand if I tell him why I'm so reluctant about relationships.

"I know you are. I'm just scared. My last boyfriend wasn't too nice. He pushed me around, A LOT. He ended up going over the edge one day and pushed me down a flight of stairs. I broke up with him but he came to my house and basically told me how he had changed and all this shit. I believed him and went back to him. He was okay for about two weeks but, then he went back into his old ways and started to hit me. I was too scared of him to get away. I remember not getting him a damn drink, he got so furious. Chad got a vase and broke it over my head. He threw me into the glass and started hitting me over and over again. He knocked me unconcious. All I remember is waking up in the hospital having so many cuts, and bruises on me. I looked and felt worse than I did when he chunked me down the flight of stairs."

"First of all, I'm going to rip his throat out. Secondly, Don't cuss, it doesn't suit you."

"I'm nervous about dating," My voice had gotten quiet and I felt so ashamed.

"We don't have to be serious. Maybe even just a little more than friends; until you trust me."

"I'd like that, I want to stay friends until I feel comfortable though. Are you sure you feel like waiting?" I wasn't sure what I wanted.

"I'm pretty damn sure." After his statement he winked at me and I suddenly felt like he was my best friend again, all of the tension and awkardness erased.

"That's not fair!!!! Why can't I cuss but you can?" My pouty face went into play.

"Hmm, because I'm older," he tested.

"Ha! Sure you're older but my maturity level is much higher than yours."

"Fine, how about, because you're too cute for it to be spoken out of those lips."

"Huh, charming but frankly I don't give a damn about that." A smirk placed itself onto my lips.

"I thought I told you no cussing," Gerard mused.

"Oh get over it. Whatcha gonna do about it?" I loved testing him.

"You don't want to find out."

"I think I do, damn! Oh, crap did I cuss? Damn, did I do it again?" A grin of success overcame me as I witnissed Gerard's frustration with me. "Awww, is little Gerard mad?"
Gerard began to walk toward me so I started backing toward the door. His pace got quicker and my steps got bigger. I quickly began to run when Gee's eyes got very masochistic looking. He sprinted after me so I went to Frank's room. When I knew Gerard couldn't see me I hid in a closet. While I hid I slid my phone out and began a text to Frank, 'HELP! IN A CLOSET HIDING FROM GEE. COME SAVE ME!'

Five seconds later I heard soft laughs from the room, then footsteps. I ducked in case it was Gerard. Luckily when the door opened it was only Frank. I spoke only 4 words to him,
"Are you my savior?"

"Guess you could call me that. Don't worry Ray and Mikey have him pinned up. He came in the room looking for you."

"Should we go bust him?" I had a whole entire scheme coming into mind.

"Yeah, I think so," Frankie had a wierd gleam in his eye.

Frank left the closet first, acting like my shield. Then, we both sprinted into the room. The sight I was brought into was drop dead hilarious. Gerard was pushed into the wall and being held down by Mikey and Ray. His eyes were pleading for me to help him.

"Help!" Gerard was squirming in their hold.

"Nope, you were mean to me. I think I'm gonna join in..." After a devious look from me Gerard's facial expression was completely scared. I pounced like a tiger onto Gerard and started play fighting him. Gerard just stood there like a man until I jumped on his back and he ran away from the guys with me. He through me in my room and ran out quickly. It sprinted to the door, ready to chase him again but when I went to open the door it wouldn't open. It was locked. The lock was on the other side of the door?

"What kind of person has a lock on the outside of the door? Let me out! Help!"

"Nope, I think I'll join in," Gerard mocked me.

He didn't let me out of the room for the whole entire day. I finally gave up trying to open the door after yelling and screaming and banging on the walls for 2 hours. I had sent at least a dozen text messages to Frankie, 10 to Mikey, and 37 to Gerard. I had no response and definitley no luck with that. My phone had not rang once that day! Well, until now. I expected it to be Gerard teasing me but it wasn't. The hugest smile came on my face when I saw who it was, the one person I've been dying to talk to, Brendon.

"Hello!" I probably sounded too needy and excited but I didn't care much.

"Hey, Rose." Brendon's voice was so soothing.

"What are you up to?" Whatever it is, it must be better than this.

"Chilling on the couch. You?" How could I respond? 'Oh, I'm just locked in my room. I've apparently been a very bad girl for Gerard to put me here.' It would so not sound right.

"Umm, locked inside my room."

"Kinky. May I ask why?" Curiosity filled his voice.

"The guys and I were fighting so they slung me in here." Sounded good enough.

"Do I need to come and save Repunzel? Or should I be Romeo and it be a secret?"

"How about you be Superhero because love never exists and because Superhero is like freaking awesome."

"Spiderman is cooler but why do you say love never exists?"

"Because it doesn't, not in this day in age that is. Sure, it may have back hundreds of years ago and sure, it does in books but not in real life." It was something I used to think about constantly. I'm not hideous, if love was true then why couldn't I find mine?

"You can't believe that. You find you're true love in time. You can't find them on your first try it take several tries." He sounded like he really believed that.

"You may find yours but I won't. I'm sure of that."

"Anyone would kill to be with you. You're beautiful, hilarious, sarcastic, and edgy. What more could you want?" I was speechless for a second, was he saying what I think he was saying? Brendon Urie, THE Brendon Urie would date me? Maybe I was twisting his words too much.

"Sure, why won't you date me then?" I asked.

"Well, you're little Gerard wouldn't be too fond of me then."

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you and him dating?"

"NO! Why would you think that?" Not him too, please!

"It just seems like it. Listen, I've got to go. Good luck with your situation. Bye." Brendon seemed more hostil.

"Wait, why? Why do you have to go? Do the Scandanavian rats have you?" I hoped he hadn't already hung up.

"I just do. Bye." Brendon seemed so upset and.. and, angry. I could tell he had just hung up.

"Bye, Mr. Brendon Urie. You wouldn't even know if I wanted to tell you I love you or I'm gonna marry Gerard. You wouldn't know because you're an ass who likes to hang up on people!" I started yelling at the end.

Of course, there was no response back. I threw my phone across the room and it hit the wall, no doubt the battery had fallen out. I heard Frank's voice from across the bus, then Mikey's. I couldn't tell what they were saying for a few seconds but I finally caught something. "What's she doing?!" It was Frank.

"Eh, she may be trying to kill herself because of Gerard. Who knows?" I'm not killing myself, Mikey! I'm killing my phone because Brendon's a horrible person and a horrible friend!

"Atleast she isn't like Gerard. He's like really fucking depressed, after her turning him down, you know?" That was Ray. I was sure of it.
I wanted to date Gerard! I wanted to date him so bad! It was the stupid side of me wanting to play it safe. Why won't I say yes? Everyone know's I want to. If it starts getting bad then I can break up with him. He isn't going to hurt me like Chad did. If we did break up we would still be friends. I want to date Gerard!

"Frank, please let me out!" I started screaming and banging the door. If he doesn't let me out I'm just going to bang the door down. We'll have a very pissed off MCR but oh well, they shouldn't have locked me in.

Luckily Frank opened the door just long enough for me to sprint out of it. I ran to Gerard.
He was laying down, reading a comic. "Yes, yes, I want to be your girlfriend!"
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