Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give Me a Reason to Believe.

“It’s Gerard.” “Isn’t it always?”

by OhSoIntricateLie 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-12 - Updated: 2010-08-13 - 958 words - Complete

By the time December rolled around, My Chemical Romance was in full swing. They had signed to Eyeball records and had even met up with Frankie, much to Paisley’s happiness, who was the lead singer for Pencey Prep. As soon as Paisley found out about Frankie, they made plans to hang out. They decided to meet at the band’s practice space while Mikey took Helena to school.

“Frankie! I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed seeing you,” Paisley embraced her best friend.

“Same here. Something’s wrong, I can tell.”

Paisley sighed, “It’s Gerard.”

Frank lit a cigarette, “Isn’t it always?”

“He’s changed. He’s been drinking heavily and don’t even get me started on his antidepressant addiction. I’ve tried to get through to him but he’s got this wall around him. Frank, I feel like we’re back in highschool again.”

“He doesn’t deserve you. But I commend you for standing by him. He needs you.”

“I thought you said he doesn’t deserve me.”

“He doesn’t. But there’s a difference between deserving something and needing something. ”

“I’m scared Frank. I don’t want to lose him. But I can’t live like this. I’ve considered leaving.”

Frank was silent for several minutes before he spoke, “For good?”

Paisley shrugged, “I don’t know.”

“I hate to say it, but that would probably be the best thing you’ve ever done for him.”

“Thanks Frank, I needed someone to talk to that is outside of the situation, you know?”

“That’s why I’m here Paise. If you need to talk you know where to find me,” Frank gave her a hug.

“I’ve got a meeting with a publisher today. Fingers crossed it goes well.”

Frank grinned at her and held up his hand, “Fingers crossed.”

Several hours later Paisley ran into the Way’s living room squealing.Gerard looked at his band members and closed his eyes, putting his head in his hands. He had a massive hangover and Paisley was making his headache from hell worse.

“They’re going to publish my book!!”

“That’s awesome Paisley,” Ray and Mikey said in unison.

Matt sat silently, watching Gerard out of the corner of his eye.

“Gerard? Aren’t you happy?”

“Yeah. Real effin excited.”

Paisley stared at him before noticing the house was too quiet.

“Where’s Helena?”

Gerard looked at her blankly.

Paisley took a deep breath, and in the tone you would use on a kindergartener, “Your daughter?”


“Oh? That’s all you have to say is ‘oh’? ‘Oh I forgot to pick my five year old daughter up from kindergarten because I was too busy getting wasted.’ How am I going to explain to her that her daddy forgot about her?”

Paisley grabbed her car keys and put her hand on the door knob. “It’s not just his fault either. It’s all of yours. You all know about Helena and all of you knew I had an important meeting to go to this afternoon. “

When Paisley got to Helena’s classroom it was empty, except for Helena and her teacher. Helena was in her seat, bawling her eyes out. Her teacher, Miss Smith, was trying to console the five year old with no avail.

“Helena,” Paisley walked in and picked up the girl, trying to choke back tears.

“Da, daddy forgot about me. He wa-was gonna come get me, bu-but he never did. All m-my friends left and I was he-here bymyself.”

“Shhh, it’s ok. I’m here. And you know what we’re going to go stay at aunt Scarlet’s for awhile, what do you say to that?”

Helena nodded and lay her head on Paisley’s shoulder. Paisley apologized to Miss Smith on their way out.

“Ok, Helena. Let’s pack your things to take on our trip,” Paisley said as she started pulling clothes out of the closet and throwing them in a suitcase.

“Can I take some toys?”

“Yeah. We can actually take all of your toys. Aunt Scarlet will be here shortly with her truck so we can put all our stuff in it.”

Satisfied, Helena started a pile of toys. By the time Paisley had cleaned out Helena’s room, Scarlet was standing in the doorway.

“I’ll get all this stuff,” she said, “You go pack your things.”

It was around six when the two of them had packed all of Helena and Paisley’s belongings in the truck bed. Scarlet left before Paisley, leaving her and her daughter alone in the way house. Before she walked out the door, Paisley found two pieces of paper and wrote two notes.

One she stuck on the basement door. It read, “I’ve had enough of your shit.”

The second note she place on Donna’s pillow; “I wish I could stay, but I will not put my child in danger, no matter how much I love Gerard. He probably won’t tell you, or he’ll be too drunk to remember, but he forgot to pick Helena up today because he was wasted. I’m keeping Helena away for her own safety. You have my cell number, call me.
Love, Paisley”

Gerard didn’t come in until late. Coming down the stairs, he saw the note on the door. It was too blurry for him to see so he left it on the door, to read it in the morning. He stumbled on the last step, falling onto the floor. Too wasted to get up, Gerard slept on the floor in a room that held no sign that his wife had ever been there.
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