Categories > Movies > Shrek > Out To Find

We're Going With You

by 18th_Hole 0 reviews

They decide to go with him...

Category: Shrek - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-08-19 - Updated: 2010-08-20 - 333 words

"Okay, what are you all talking about?" It happened to be Felicia, Laura and Galora that pulled me.
Felicia stepped forward, "We're talking about what's going on in your cranium. Where are you going, Fergus?"
"Felicia, how did you know I was going somewhere?"
"I'm your twin. How wouldn't I know? Now tell me where you're going."
I was quiet for moment, looking at all of their faces. "I'm going home."
"Home?!? What are you talking about?? This is home, Fergus-"
"It's not my home, Felicia!" She stared at me in surprisement, "This might be your home, but it sure as hell isn't mine."
"Then let it be. Don't just, leave. Does anyone else know you're leaving?"
"No. And I'm going alone. I don't need anyone to babysit me." I walked away, without saying another word.
I walked back to my tent an picked up a backpack I'd already set knowing this had to happen sooner or later. I turned around to walk out, but dad stood there. "You'll be back. I know you will. You'll be back before-"
"The battle?"
"Yes. The battle." He let me walk a few steps past him, "She's not going to die without you here, Fergus. She won't allow herslf to."
"Then she wouldn't be fighting tomorrow...would she?" I looked up at him, "Bye, dad."
"Goodbye...Fergus." I turned and took five steps, thinking what if I never see him again. Not possible, but just in case, I ran back and hugged him.
"I love you, daddy."
He rubbed my head, "I love you, too, my little man." We let go, and I ran off.
About two hours later, a passed by a tree. Feeling completely lost at first, I realized I had carved an arrow on this when I was little. I had set out on my own, and put that arrow there to point me back home. Which means...I should take about another mile to my left, and I'll be at...
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