Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give Me a Reason to Believe.

“Finding My Way.”

by OhSoIntricateLie 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-27 - Updated: 2010-08-27 - 693 words - Complete

A/N: Hey guys, I finally updated. I would have had it up sooner but my college's wifi sucks. Anywho, this is a Paisley chapter. So where there is a Paisley chapter, there will be a Gerard chapter to accompany it :D This one is basically some brief insight of Paisley's past. JSYK.


“Helena, stay right here. Mommy will be right back.”

The six year old rolled her eyes as she sipped on a milkshake.

“I knooooow.”

Paisley shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Six going on sixteen, she smiled to herself. Shaking her head she stepped out on to the stage where a lone table and chair sat. She smiled at the long queue of people, wanting her autograph. Who knew her book loosely based on her life before Gerard, would have been such a hit? The books were flying off the shelves faster than the employees could stock them.

The first person handed Paisley her book, “Finding My Way.” She smiled and made small talk as she moved the sharpie across the cover. The line moved quickly, but it seemed to never end. The comments she received were endearing and inspiring, making Paisley feel like she had finally done something with her life.
Paisley’s life been less than perfect while growing up, being raised by a dad with good intentions and a step mom from hell. Paisley wasn’t athletic. Or artistic. Or talented at all really. Her step mom always made sure to let her know she was worthless. Paisley’s social life sucked; she was the odd one girl out. The eccentric one. The only thing she knew she had going for her was school, so she threw herself into her academic life completely. She never had an actual career planned out like the rest of her classmates; all Paisley ever wanted to do was write stories. It was her passion. But when she became pregnant with Helena, she threw that possibility out. But now, her dream had come true.

The line of people was slowly beginning to die down, and that was when reality set in. Her writing career was really the only thing she had. That and Helena. Paisley’s smile faltered. Her parents were dead. Her grandparents were too far away . And Gerard.

Paisley hastily signed the last book and ran backstage to the bathroom. Finding it empty, she sat down on the floor and cried. Her marriage with Gerard was on the rocks. She hated to admit it, but it was true. But the thought of him not in her life caused her heart to ache. He was the love of her life. Her soul mate.
The door creaked, causing her to look up. Helena stood in the doorway, gripping a juice box.

“Mommy? Why are you crying? Is it about daddy?”

Paisley was shocked, “What?” Sometimes Paisley thought Helena was too smart.

Helena stared at her juice box, “The only time you ever cry anymore is when someone mentions daddy,” the child’s jaw quivered, “He’s not getting any better is he? This girl in my class, her daddy died cause he was really sick. She was really sad, and she cried a lot.” Helena paused before her tears started flowing, “Daddy isn’t dying is he?”

Paisley pulled her daughter in her lap and kissed her on the forehead, “No. Daddy isn’t dying. He’s trying to get better.”

Helena sniffled, “When he gets better, is he gonna live with us again? Cause I really miss him telling me stories at night. Yours are good, but I like daddy’s better.”

Paisley smiled softly, “Yeah,” not totally answering her question, “Why don’t you go find Scarlet and we’ll leave soon.”

Helena grinned, “Ok.”

As soon as she was gone Paisley washed her face in the mirror. Why did children so young already know about death? Helena was intelligent, and not easy to fool. Paisley decided she would have to put up a better façade. No. She just had to be strong. Not just for Helena and herself, but for Gerard too. Her family.
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