Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It Was One Question

Oh, hey....

by WellxCarryxOn 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-09-01 - Updated: 2010-09-01 - 1175 words

The doorbell rang, Gee was in the kitchen making me breakfast because he’s the best fiancé ever, so I yelled, “I’ll get it!”. I opened the door to see non other than my fiancé’s ex-lover standing in the door. “Oh, Hey Bert.” I said, yes, Bert McCracken. “Heard Gee knocked you up.” “Three years ago.” I said sticking out my tongue. I moved and gestured for him to come inside. “Who was it, babe?” Gee called from the kitchen. He walked out wiping his hands on a towel. “Oh, Hey Bert. It’s been a while.” Bert nodded and Colby came walking out from his room, the doorbell must of waken him up. He walked right up to Bert. “Hi. I’m Colby. I’ve seen pictures of you.” Then he walked away. That’s my dork. I giggled to myself. “That’s your son?” Bert asked and Gee nodded. “We actually have twins, my daughter, Helena’s still sleeping though.” You could feel the tension in the air. I put my left hand on Gee’s shoulder, purposely showing off my ring. “Fuck, are you guys engaged?” He asked, shocked. I smiled and nodded. “Pretty tricked out ring, Frank. How’d you talk Gee into buying you that?” “It was his idea.” I said kissing Gee’s cheek. “I’m gona go get Colby some breakfast.” “Why don’t we both go, I’m not done fixing it.” We all walked into the kitchen and called Colby over. I helped him up onto a stool and he pushed his hair behind his ear. “Sissy said she wanted pancakes, but then she fell back asleep.” “I’ll have pancakes already for her when she gets up.” Gee said. “Good.” Colby said, smiling. “What do you want?” Gee asked smiling. “Hm.. Can I have chocolate chip pancakes, pwease?” Gee nodded. “Of course.” He handed him a small stack and I tore then into smaller pieces. “Gerard, could I talk to you for a sec?” Bert asked. Gee shot me a un-easy look. “Um, ya, sure.” They walked outside and as soon as I heard the door shut I ran over and sat underneath the window right next to the door. “Gee, why are you doing this to yourself. You don’t love Frank.” Bert said, seductively, it was making me sick. “Yes I do, Bert. Get off of me!” Gee shoved him away. “I don’t have to marry him ok? I want to marry him. I don’t want to be with anyone else, ever!” I smiled to myself. “I can see it in your eyes, Gerard.” Gerard scream. “Oh my god, Bert! Just get the fuck off my property! I don’t want you screwing with anything!” “The only thing I wana screw with is you.” Bert said cupping my fiancé’s face and leaning in. I didn’t get to see the end of that because right then Helena walked in. “Da-“ I put my hand over her mouth and scooped her up in my arms. I awkwardly crawled carrying her into the kitchen. “Why are you crawling, Dad?” Colby asked. “Shhh!!” I said back putting a finger over my mouth. I stood up and put Helena on the stool next to Colby. Colby glared at me, he never liked to be told to be quiet. Gee came back in the house slamming the door and muttering curses under his breath. He picked up the phone, made arrangements for his parents to come pick up the kids and sat down on one of the stools. He just started straight ahead, saying nothing.

A while later the doorbell rang and I answered it and said goodbye to Helena and Colby. Gee had sat in the same position, just staring until the doorbell rang. “Why did you-“ I started to ask ‘Why did you have your parents take the kids?’ But as soon as I shut the door he grabbed my wrist and pushed me up against it. “Mm..” he moaned pushing our lips together. Everything he was doing was in some sort of desperate panic. He had me completely pinned against the door so I just kept kissing him back until he pulled my shirt off. I pulled off his and he pinned me against the wall again with my wrists above my head. He started kissing my neck, then came back to my lips. Then he was sobbing, still kissing me, but less passionately. He had dropped my wrists and was now just pushing my shoulders against the door. I could taste his tears. He was just pecking our lips together now. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head into his shoulder. He collapsed into my arms. “Shh.. Baby, what’s wrong?” I said running my hands threw his hair. He sobbed into my shoulder. “Bert.” I rocked him back and forth and led him over to the couch. He laid down and I straddled his stomach. It wasn’t in a sexual way, just a loving way. I wiped the tears away from his eyes. “Did he kiss you..?” I asked in almost a whisper. He nodded and started sobbing again. “I’m so sorry, Frankie! He kissed me and I tried to push him away but he..” I put my finger to his lips. “Sh.. It’s ok.. I believe you. I know you wouldn’t do that if he didn’t make you.” He sniffled. “I love you, Frank. Only you, forever. He’s the same way he was when I left him. He’s an asshole who tells you what you want. After a while you start to believe him, and then one day you wake up next to him bruised up and wanting out.” Tears were running freely from his eyes and I wiped them away one by one as the fell. I was sitting on his stomach carefully wiping away tears and listening. “He practically raped me when we were together, multiple times, telling me I wanted it. That he was the best thing that had ever happened to me.” Tears pricked the back of my eyes as Gee told his story. “He wasn’t even close to the best thing that happened to me. He was a jerk, he brought me down, he fueled my alcohol addiction! He ruined my life!” He was crying so hard he was chocking every once in a while. “I don’t want him to touch you or the twins. I don’t want him to fuck up everything. I love you so goddamn much, Frank.” “I love you too, Gerard. I won’t let him fuck this up. Our family means more to me than the whole universe. I would choose you over anything or anyone. You are my number one, forever. Nothing Bert says or does can change that.” I said and pushed his long hair out of his face. I just kept combing it back and looking into his beautiful eyes.
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