Categories > Movies > X-Men: The Movie > X-Men 3

Phoenix Rises

by Darkpurplepen 0 reviews

Category: X-Men: The Movie - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-22 - Updated: 2010-09-23 - 1197 words


Magneto, Pyro, and Jean stand on the hill watching the battle.

The boy still lives, Erik.

I see you're making no effort, my dear.

You think I'm on your side?

Meanwhile, Wolverine and Beast are back to back fighting Magneto's mutants. Wolverine shouts to Beast, both conversing as they fight.

I thought you were a diplomat?

Well, as Churchill said, there comes a time when all men must…

Beast stops to back flip over a mutant, who he then punches to the ground.

Oh, you get the point!

Magneto looks back at Pyro.

Follow my lead.

Magneto summons a car from behind him and sends it into the air. Pyro sends a fireball up, turning the car into a grenade. It lands on a group of soldiers.

Cyclops hits a mutant with a optic blast and then looks up at the bridge to see Jean. Nightcrawler notices where his attnetion has gone.

I have to get to her!

She's not hurting anyone right now. Vhy don't we try to keep it that vay?

I can save her!

A car comes flying in their direction. Nightcrawler grabs him and dives away.

It might just have to vait!

Magneto sends two more cars up in the air which Pyro lights on fire. One hits an observation tower, the other crashes onto the ground, flipping once before settling.

Wolverine, Beast, Iceman, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler gather.

We have to stop Magneto!

Storm dodges another incoming car and joins them. Colossus then appears with Jimmy at his side.

I found the boy.

Beast took Jimmy's hand.

I'll look after him.

Two more flaming cars then came crashing down. Wolverine looked over at the bridge as Magneto levitated more cars. He then looks towards Iceman.

You think you can distract your old friend?

Iceman looks at the bridge and reluctantly nods.


Iceman ran out just as another car came down. He unleashed a wave of frost, stopping it in mid-air for a moment before it hit the ground. Magneto saw him and narrowed his eyes before turning to Pyro.

Go ahead.

Pyro grimaces and doesn't move. Magneto notices his reluctance.

Are you a god...or an insect?

Finally, Pyro walks off the bridge and into the battlefield. He and Iceman are now only mere feet from each other.

You're in over your head, Bobby. Maybe you should go back to school.

You never should have left.

Pyro formed a fireball in his hand and then sent it straight at his former best friend. Iceman retaliated with ice and the two powers collided. Both push each other back and forth, trying to get leverage. Pyro finally pushes forward and uses more strength to get the advantage.

Meanwhile, Storm forms a fog around Magneto as Colossus gets ready to throw Wolverine.

Alright, tin man. Just like in practice.

Pyro continued to engulf Iceman in flames as Iceman was barley able to hold them back. Finally, Pyro pulled away and Iceman fell to the ground, weakened.

Just then, Colossus threw Wolverine as hard as he could towards Magneto. Due to the thick fog, Magneto couldn't tell there was something coming at him until it was too late. Wolverine crashed into Magneto, knocking him right off his feet.

The noise caused Pyro to look over to see what happened, and in his distraction, Iceman was able to recover and lunged forward, grabbing Pyro's wrists and freezing his hands.

Falling to the ground, Pyro looked at his hands in shock, unable to do anything because his lighter had been frozen as well. By this time, Magneto got to his feet and used his powers to grab a hold of Wolverine, making his body bend in an unnatural angle due to his adamantium skelton. Wolverine screamed in pain until Magneto was blasted away by Jean.

Magneto hit the ground and looked up at Jean staring at him. He slowly began to crawl away as she slowly walked off the bridge and approached Cyclops.


Cyclops touched her hair.

CYCLOPS:'s over.

The battle is dying down now.

Scott, I'm sorry.

Don't apologize. Everything is going to alright.

Soldiers then suddenly appeared on the bridge and they take the opportunity to fire at Jean, Cyclops shouts at them;

No don't shoot!

Too late. Jean's eyes go black and she stops all the shots telekinetically, turning the needles into dust. She then does the same to the soldiers and leviates high into the air.


A telekinetic storm begins to rage.

Everyone get out of here!

Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Jimmy run up on the bridge and off the island. Gambit, Psylocke, and Arclight run off the island as well, as do some remaining soldiers.

Iceman runs over to Pyro.

Come on, John.

Get away from me, Bobby.

Iceman however ignores him and throws his arm over his shoulder, helping him off the island.

Storm, Beast, Wolverine, and Cyclops gather.

I have to stop her.

You didn't see what she did to the Professor. She'll tear you apart!

Storm nodded in agreement.

He can heal, Scott, he's the only one—


Cyclops looks at them, resolved.

It has to be me.

Beast dug into his pocket and took out his sample of the cure.

Here Scott. Use this.

Cyclops took the sample.

Get to safety.

Beast and Wolverine ran off while Storm flu off the ground. Cyclops turned back to Jean.


She ignores him. The TK storm has gotten worse. Poles fall, cars fly. The X-Jet is disintegrated. Soldiers have begun to explode, as the professor did earlier. Water now begins to rise up from the bay, and fiery wings engulf Jean, her rage embodying itself in the form of a firebird. She glows like a second sun as Cyclops continues to move towards her.

Magneto looked on at the carnage from the bridge.

What have I done?

Magneto then turns and continues his way off the island while Cyclops again tries to move forward.


Jean knocks him backward as she returns to the ground, but he resists and continues onward. The building itself has now begun to fly apart.

Cyclops continues up the hill, bits of his uniform flying off slowly. She continues to resist, and he is forced to crawl up toward her. Mere feet separate them, when, as he gets up, his entire top is destroyed. Gritting his teeth, he continues. His cheek is now bleeding, as is his arm.

Finally, he is before her. Jean looks to him, and smiles wickedly.

Would you die for them?

No...not for them. For you...I love you Jean.

Slowly, her eyes return to normal. The flames recede.

Scott…save me.

No Jean…we can make it like it was.

Tears streaming down his face, he jabs Jean in the side with the cure needle. She gasps. Scott clutches at Jean, who sobs into his shoulder as the transformation takes place.
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