Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreamland


by fabulouskilljoy8_8 3 reviews

She dreams it, it happens, but what will happen when she dreams that something horific will happen to her crush Frank Iero...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2010-09-25 - Updated: 2010-09-25 - 379 words - Complete

A/N okay, so im british so the americanisms might not be perfect, and i know this is a short chapter but im just setting the scene, the boys'll turn up in the next chapter :) Read and Review ;) S x

She screams, it echo's throughout the factory floor, all i can think about is where is she? When will this happen, and why the hell can't i wake up. I hear a low roar as the factory doors slid open, and i decide to follow the sound. I walk into the main stockroom to see a slender teenage girl with shiny red hair and a middle aged man with cropped hair holding a gun towards the girl, she screams, i scream and then--

I wake up screaming and covered in a cold sweat, my bed sheets tangled on the floor and my face stale from the tears. I sway for a second then bring my legs up so my knees were under my chin as i cry for the girl i had never met. After about half an hour, i unwound my legs and stood beside my bed, i knew i couldnt do anything for the girl, i didnt see where the factory was, when the crime had happened. So i silently walk across my room to the door, where i creep down the hall to the bathroom and attempted to clean myself off, after a while i realised i wasnt getting anywhere, so i pulled off my pyjamas and jumped into the shower. When finished, and finally feeling normal again, i made my way back to my room, where recorded the dream along with all the others. "God, thats a lot of dreams..." i muttered to myself as i flicked back through the pages.
Perhaps i should names Liberty, im 16, i live in New Jersey, and when i have a dream, it happens. So if i were to dream about...say...the queen of england being assasinated, over the next week or so, the queen of england would be assasinated. So the fact that i had just dreamt about a girl being murdered, it would happen. And all the other dreams i have had in the last 16 years of my life have happened. Yeah, it sucks.
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