Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Dream Come True


by jadesohma 0 reviews

bad words in all my work....

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Hermione,Ron - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-10-10 - Updated: 2010-10-11 - 1853 words

i wake up at 6:00. Two hours before lessons start. I got out of bed, showerd, dressed and got my books for all my classes.

Hermione came down as i was waling out. "Hi Hermione! you come?" I asked. She nodded and ran down the rest of the stairs.

"What classes are you taking, Abbby? I'm aking every class but-"

"Divadation. I know. Don't you hate the professor?" I ask as a nasty look comes apon her face.

"Yes! Shes a fake and couldn't pradict any thing! Not even if it was shoved up her-"

"Hermione! Abby!" some one said behind us. It was Harry.

"You two going to breakfast?" He asked

"Nope. We're going to the monkey house." I smile

"Alright then. Should i get Ron?" He asked

"If you don't he'll miss lessons." Hermione pointed out wile im trying not to laugh too hard. Harry groaned and went back up to the boys dorm. Hermione and I went to the great hall to meet them there.

"Abby, what are you doing with this mudblood?" the cold voice stung my ears. Draco was back. He hadn't been here for 5 minutes and he was alreadying being a jack ass.

"Shut up Malfoy. And for yout infomation i'm a muggle born!" i say glaring at him as his smirk fell to a gaping mouth in suprise.

"How can some one as beautiful as you be as mudblood like Granger over here?" He asked running his finger along my cheek.

I slap his hand away wile I say "Shut your god damn mouth before I jinx you into net week!" I yell wipping out my wand

"You dont really want to jinx me" He says looking deep into my eyes. J.K. Rowling was wrong. They weren't pale gray. They were ice blue. I got lost in them.

I felt a tugging on my arm and "Come on! Get away form him!" Now, we're running to the great hall.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Draco?! That pompuse, aragent, low life-"

"I'm sorry! It's just his eyes...they're so beautiful....What the hell was god thinking putting them on him?!" I ask thinking of them again....whats wrong with me?

"I agree. They are quite pretty. Such a waste on him."

We both laughed all the way to the great hall. We sat at the Griffindor table across from Harry and Ron. "Where in the world have you two been?" Harry asked

"We were cought up by Draco." I say putting eggs on my plate

"What did he do?" Ron said through a mouth full of bread

"He just talked to Abby. Half of me thinks she liked it!" Hermione said trying not to laugh too hard

"I DID NOT!" I yell a little too loud.

"It was only a joke. Still think you did..." She mumbbled.

"Here comes McGonagall with our classes" Harry said trying to change the subject.She said nothing as she handded each of them a slip of paper. "WHAT?! DUBBLE EVERY THING WITH SLYTHRIN!" Ron yelled. "Only today. And Wendsday....and Friday....Okay this sucks!" Said Harry. "Abby will love that!" Hermione laughed so hard she started to cry. I glare at her but start to think. Maybe shes right....

"Oh well. Time for charms." Ron said shoving a boild egg into his mouth.

"Can't wait to see him can you, Abbby?" Hermione giggled

"We'll talk about it tonight. You can make fun of me all you want, okay?" I ask hoping she'll say yes."Alright!" She said. Fine with me!

When we got to charms I noticed Flitwick was much shorter in person. But his face, and every thing else, was the same. I step twords my seat until I hear Flitwick "Miss? Are you lost? I don't have first years until 11:00."

"Sorry sir. I'm Abby Sharp. I'm a fourth year"

"Ah yes. Here you are. Intrasting. Go take your seat next to Miss Granger."

I smile and take my seat. Me and Hermione talk all through charms. But of coarse Hermione took notes the whole time so we were all good. If it wasn't for her i would fail. Well if it wasn't for her I would pay attention...

"Hey Abby, look across the room" Ron wisperd to me. I turn my head and looking right at me was Draco. I turn my head quickly away. My belly twisted and I went slightly pink. Hermione giggled at me.

"Make sure you practice tonight! I'll be checking if you have next time I see you!"

"Shit! what are we supose to do?!" I ask looking at Hermione

"I'll tell you in the common room. Now we have....double potions" Hermione says.

"Great. Malfoy and Snape. Amazing combo!" Harry said with spite

"Are they really that bad?" I ask them thinking of how Snape really is a good guy

"YES!" Ron and Harry said together in the same groaning voice

Hermione and I laugh wile Ron and Harry keep their straight face.

"Hey Abby." can't he take a hint? just a little one?! I'm sick and tired of this!

"Um, Hi?" I say ready to punch him.

"Want to walk to potions with me? Ditch these losers." He smirks

"By staying with them I am ditching the losers" I say with my own smirk. with that, i lead Harry, Hermione, and Ron past him.

"That was awsome!" Hermione said "How did you think of that so quickly? I can never think of any thing on the spot. Always after I leave him standing."

"Well Amarican Middle schools are tough. So you need to think of things on the spot. I gess its just a habbit now."

They looked at me like I was crazy until I explained the amarican school system. Then they had some what of an understanding

"I like how our system works! If I had to go home and see mum every day I would go mad!" Ron said

"Me too mate! Going home to the Dursley's every day! i would run away forever!"

"POTTER! WEASLEY! Shut your mouths before I put you both in detention!" Snape snapped "And Miss Sharp, it is not wise to show up for your first day ever in my class."

"But sir, class starts in three minutes!" Draco pleded for across the room.

"Class will begin when I say it does Mister Malfoy. Ten points from Griffindor. Each. Now get to your seats." Snape barked "Today you will do your best to make Wolfs bane potion. It shouldnt be to hard for fourth years such as your selfs. You have the class to compleete it. Go."

I gave Hermione a look. "Okay. But are you sure you don't want to work with Draco?" She started to laugh wile I worked.

"Times up! You will put your name on a vile and leave it on my desk. Is that clear?"

Every one got up and put their viles on his desk. Hermione took mine too. I stayed packed up our things.

"Pst! Abby!" Ron said tapping my sholder.

"What?!" I ask

"That creepy prat has been staring at you this whole time, did you know that?! Just looking over here letting the dumb ass do all the work." He said to me eyeing Draco from across the room after every word

"Yeah. Hermione pointed it out. Making fun of me again." I mumbble

"I don't blame her! Who the hell would like that git?!"

I said nothing. I couldn't help it. I love bleach blonde hair! I always have! I remeber having the biggest crush on Mark, the bleach blonde guy in Rent (My favorite movie ever!). And I always love bleach blonde guys....

"Abby, you have to be jokeing!" Ron gasped


"Abby! you can do so much better than that git! Hes an ass! And you should know! He grabed you on the train!"

"I know! I know! But before you guys came he was sweet....."

"HIM?! SWEET?! He couldn't be sweet if he was made out of sweets!"

"Just dont tell Harry or Hermione! Please!" I beg

"Whats in it for me?"

"JUST PLEASE DON'T!" I am going to kill him this year aren't I?

"Fine...dont have to yell..."

"Weasley, why are you trying? Shes way out of your leag" DAMN IT! i thought i got rid of him this class!

"What are you doing over here Malfoy? Can't you see your not welcome?" Harry said with his arms crossed

"Shut it Potter. I don't think your very welcomed here either. Am I right, Abby?"

"Nope. Your the only one not welcome. Maybe is you weren't such an ass. But that will never happen. Do you catch my drift?"

I did it again. I made him leave. It kinda made me sad. But if it'll get Hermione off my back, so be it. Maybe I'll fallow my heart later. But i don't think that will be very soon.

"Creepy git that Malfoy, Staring at Abby like hes going to attack her or some thing"

"Will you give it a rest Ron?" I ask not in the mood to hear his wining. Its getting really annoying.

"Fine. LUNCH TIME!!!"
________________________after dinner__________________________________

"Go on with out me! I'm going to finish this intch!" I say as they leave me in the great hall.

I was doing the essay for muggle studys. I didn't feel like doing it in the comon room. "Ugh" I let out. I was finally done! but it looked alot longer than a foot but what ever. No point of staying in here!

Thoughts started to pour into my head. Most about Draco. Even though i knew he would become a death eatter and almost kill Harry.

Then, out of no where BAM! I ran into some one. I fell to the floor. Now my ass hurt along with my face. I look up. He was so tall! His brown curls where all around his big head. He looked down on me with his brown eyes. They had hints of gold and coper. I noticed he was in Ravenclaw. And didn't move as I pick up my things.

"Aren't you going to say your sorry?" I spun around. It was Draco. He walked up to the Ravenclaw. He was much taller than Draco thats for sure. Draco threw his fist. The Ravenclaw cought it and fliped Draco to the ground and started to kick him.

When he finally stoped, he turned and said "I'm Trey Blue"Taking my hand to shake it, then walking off.

"Draco?! Are you alright?!" I yell and helped him up.

"I'm alright now." He smiled as he looked into my grass green eyes.

I tryed to say "that was the cheeseyest line ever" but i was the trance once again. He go closer to me and wraped his arms around my waist. Then he kisses me. I try to reject him and pull away. But I can't stop.

When I finally gain the strangth to pull away, I step back and start to run. This was the happiest I have ever felt.
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