Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I had it all till you came along

it's just the way it goes

by emo-girl 2 reviews

pppppppppplllllllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeee comment! or i shall die!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-11-02 - Updated: 2010-11-02 - 373 words

It was school again, I sat down next to the geeky glasses kid in Maths.
“Hi,” I said.
“Umm... Hello...” he said quietly, confused that the greeting was unexpected.
“How are you?” I asked.
“I’m fine, you?” he asked.
“I’m okay,” I answered.
He nodded slowly as he started writing again.
“So your name is Michael?” I asked.
“Yeah but I like to be called Mikey,” he said.
I nodded.
“I already know your name is Bob, I guess no one really pays attention to our name,” he said.
“Who’s our?” I asked.
“You know, the people who mean nothing, the geeks and low lives, the people who seem to get beaten up and picked on for nothing,” he said.
“And your one of those?” I asked.
“Yes, I’ve already had the pleasure of been beaten in the toilets, several times,” he said.
“Bob! Why you talking to this fag?” Ray asked as he strolled over to my table.
“I wasn’t, I was asking about the work,” I said.
“Good because you don’t want to mix with the little homo group,” Ray said as he glared at Mikey and then walked away.
“See, even you deny talking to me, I guess it’s the way it goes,” he said shrugging and then getting on with his work.
“Your gay?” I blurted out the question.
“What’s it to you?” He asked.
“Nothing,” I answered.
“Well then,” he said, he carried on with his work.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, he glanced up at me, his eyes locked with mine for a a few seconds, he hazel eyes that sat behind his thick glasses, surrounded by a small amount of eyeliner.
He quickly looked away, blushing slightly, a small amount of pink tinted his pale cheeks.
I chuckled and got on with my work.

A/N: please please please please please please please comment… I am really starting to think that this is crap... if you comment and you like I will continue! If you comment and you hate it, I’ll give up… if you don’t comment I am just going to be sad for the rest of my days and I shall never write again! So pppppppplllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
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