Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I had it all till you came along

it meant nothing

by emo-girl 0 reviews

cant rate it.... sorry! something happens that confuses them both... how will bob react?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-11-07 - Updated: 2010-11-07 - 2498 words

“Why don’t we just go and beat the shit out of those little fags?” Matt asked looking over at Mikey’s group.
“Don’t bother,” I said taking a drag from my cigarette.
“Why?” Ray asked looking confused.
“Because it looks stupid if we just start on them, just leave it for another time,” I said.
“Someone is going fucking soft in their old age,” Johnny said.
“I’m not going soft,” I growled.
“Whoa don’t go all moody on us dude,” Matt said.
“I’ve just had a bad day, that’s all,” I said.
They all nodded.

I sat in Science listening to the teacher drowning on about the periodic table. I sighed as I looked out the window, the sky looking glooming and dark, the wind blowing everything around, the leaves violently shaking in the violent wind.
“So I’m going to put you into pairs, I want you to do the experiment in class then the project together outside school for homework,” he said. Everyone groaned, we all know that we would end up with someone we didn’t ever talk to or hated. Last time I had some geeky little emo kid till a girl swapped with him so she could “spend time” with me a.k.a my bed, of course when the teacher found out there was swapping going on so now we couldn’t.
“So Daniel with…” he carried on reading through the names. He soon got to mine.
“Robert with Michael,” he said. I looked over at Mikey who was looking up in confusion, probably wasn’t really concentrating much.
“Now get with your partners, and stay with them,” sir said. There was a big shuffle around the classroom. Mikey looked over nervously, I motioned him to come over and sit next to me. He slowly got up, took his stuff and came over to me. But Ray decided to trip him up, making him fall on the floor, his knees crashing to the floor, his hands slamming down to the floor as all his stuff scattered around him. Everyone started laughing. Mikey looked up nervously at me, his eyes looked watery, as if he was going to cry, he wouldn’t cry would he?
“Ray, what the hell dude?” I asked.
“What? The little fag deserves it,” he laughed.
I got up and helped him up, grabbing all of his stuff and bringing him over to my place.
“What the fuck Bob?” He asked.
“Look just don’t pick on him, he’s got to be my science partner I don’t want things…awkward,” I said.
“Whatever,” Ray said before turning around.
“Ray,” I said grabbing hold of his wrist.
“What?” He asked.
“I don’t even talk to him, it’s not like we’re even friends, I’ve got you guys for that,” I answered.
“Okay dude, see you after,” he said with a smile and when back to his partner, a pretty blonde girl who just laughed at everything he said and pushed her boobs up more.
“Sorry about that,” I said as I sat down next to Mikey.
“It’s okay,” He said looking down at his scraped hands.
“Do you want me to get something for those?” I asked.
“No, it’s okay,” he said smiling a little.
“Okay,” I said.
I glanced at his stuff and noticed Batman comic book.
“Your reading that?” I asked.
He looked down at his comic book and nodded.
“Cool, batman’s wicked,” I said.
He looked up at me and cocked his head to the side.
“I read them too okay?” I asked.
He started chuckling a little, it was kind of cute… wait… did I say cute?
“So batman’s your favourite?” he asked.
“Kind of,” I said shrugging.
“Me and my brother and our friend is a huge fan of comic books, my brother wants to become a comic book artist, he is really good,” he said.
“Cool, well I think you’d be good enough to do it,” I said.
“I’m not compared to my brother, you have to see them,” he said but then started to stutter, as if he said something wrong.
“I’d like to, but I’m want to see more of your work too, maybe when we’re doing the project?” I asked.
“Okay,” he said.
“Maybe after school?” I asked.
“Sure, my parents work late so they won’t mind, my mom doesn’t really mind much,” he said.
“Okay,” I said.
We carried on working until the bell went.
“Well see you later,” I said as I left.

The last few lessons were a drag; the hands on the clocks seemed to go slower as if they were trying to take their time.
The end of the day soon came; I stood by the gates waiting for Mikey. I took a cancer stick from my jacket and my lighter and lit up, taking a long drag from it. I saw Mikey and two other kids walking out, the smallest jumped on the guy with raven hair, clutching onto his back as the raven hair guy struggled to stay up because of the suddenly piggyback.
Mikey laughed at his friends, he looked cute when he laughed… here we go again with the whole cute thing again.
Mikey looked over at me, he smiled slightly and came over to me.
“Hi Bob,” he said shyly.
“Hey, you ready to go?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said.
I went over to my car, but I noticed Mikey hadn’t come as well.
“Come on,” I said.
“Can my brother and my friend have a lift?” he asked. I nodded. He went and got hold of the two guys and dragged them over to my car.
“Bob this is my brother Gerard and this is my friend Frank,” Mikey said.
“Hi,” I said before getting into the driver seat.
Mikey nervously sat at the front with me and Gerard and Frank sat at the back.
“Where do you live then?” I asked.
“69 Salter place,” Mikey answered. I started the engine and drove out the car park.
I heard giggling in the back of the car; I looked in the mirror to see Gerard kissing Frank’s cheek.
They were a couple? Or just a really really really close friendship? Or a joke? Or a dare?
We pulled up outside the house, it was a simple small house, a small garden but they looked nice. We all got out and made our way up to the house.
We stood nervously in the living room.
“Come on Gee, your room now,” Frank said as he dragged Gerard by his t-shirt down the stairs.
“Where are they going?” I asked slightly confused.
“Gerard’s room is in the basement,” Mikey said. I nodded.
“Do you want something to eat or drink?” he asked.
“What you got to drink?” I asked.
“We’ve got soda, coffee, orange juice, apple juice?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen, I followed him.
“Soda please,” I answered. He nodded as he went to the fridge, bending down slightly to get two sodas; his butt sticking up in the air slightly… shit why was I checking out his ass? It was nice though, small… shut up Bob!
“So should we go up to my room and start the project?” he asked… keep dirty thoughts out of my mind right now…
I nodded and followed him up the stairs, the family photo’s hanging up against the wall, some of I guess Mr and Mrs Way’s wedding, Mikey, Mikey and Gerard, Gerard...
“Nice photo’s,” I said.
“Umm… I guess,” he said.
I followed him into a room, dark wall covered up with posters and drawings, posters of rock bands like Misfits, Anthrax, Iron maiden etc.
His desk was covered in drawings and paper work. His messy bed not made.
A few clothes scattered around.
“Sit down,” he said as he switched on CD player, playing Anthrax- Belly of the Beast, I sat down on the bed, placing my bag on the floor.
“So you like Anthrax?” I asked.
“I love them, they are my favourite,” he said with a sweet little smile on his face. I saw the bass guitar sitting in the corner of the room, sitting up on a guitar stand.
“You play bass?” I asked. He looked over at his bass guitar.
“Yeah, I play for my brother’s band,” he said.
“A band?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said as he sat down at his desk.
“What you called?” I asked.
“My chemical romance,” he answered.
“Cool name, who made it up?” I asked.
“Me, I was working in a book store and I came across a book so I thought I would be a good enough,” he said.
“It’s good,” I said smiling at him.
“Do you play an instrument?” he asked, looking down at his hands.
“Drums, I was in a jazz band,” I said.
“Cool,” he said.
“So let’s get on with this,” I said.

After much staring and watching Mikey, it was getting late. How could I describe watching and staring him, well I watched the way he bit his lip if he was thinking or tapping his pen to a rhythmic beat of a song, though it wasn’t obvious I kind of knew. He looked up to his wall that was covered of drawings then started writing more again, getting inspiration from his artwork? He would push up his glasses when they would slip down his nose slightly.
“So this is your work?” I asked.
“Oh yeah,” he said.
“You’re really good,” I said as I looked at a few, admiring his work.
“Come on you have to see Gerard’s,” he said jumping off the chair and stood up looking down at me.
“Okay,” I said putting down my book and getting up with him. We walked downstairs and then down the flight of stairs down to the basement, Gerard’s room.
“Oh Gee!” a moan coming from Gerard’s room.
“You like that baby? Answer me bitch,” Gerard growled as the bed started making that squeaking/creaking sound.
“Yes! Faster please!” Frank cried out from inside Gerard’s room.
I looked at Mikey who was blushing a dark shade of red as he looked down at the floor trying to avoid eye contact.
“Umm… I think we should come back later,” he said as he went upstairs again. I followed him as he sat down in the living room.
“I-I’m sorry about that…” he said.
“It’s okay, I just didn’t know your brother was gay,” I said sitting next to him.
“They’ve been a happy couple for two years nearly,” he said almost as if he was sad in some way that he hadn’t got what is brother had.
“Whoa that’s long, longer than every girl I’ve been with,” I said.
“What’s the longest you’ve been with a girl?” he asked tilting his head to the side, looking at me as he sat at the other end of the sofa, crossing his legs and letting his hands sit in his lap.
“I only do one night kind of things with girls,” I said.
“Oh,” he mumbled.
“What?” I asked.
“Don’t you ever want a relationship? I mean like someone to actually love instead of just fucking them and then the next morning just chucking them out like they are just another face?” he asked, it was blunt and straight to the point, which I guess he does but he still looked nervous about talking to me, he probably thinks that I could just snap at any moment, beat him till he is black and blue.
But his question meant something, something that I’ve tried to question myself sometimes but I try to hide, burry it at the back of my mind with all the rest of the things that haunt my mind.
“I’ve never tried, I guess I’m not really into girls that way,” I said looking down at my hands.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I mean that I don’t want to be with girls in that way, I don’t want a relationship, I guess I feel I’ll never fall in love with any girl,” I said.
“Your making it sound like you’ll… I don’t know fall in love with a guy or something,” he said with a little laugh.
I laughed a little too but then our eyes made eye contact.
“Do you like girls?” I asked.
“I-I umm… well…” he stuttered as he twisted his fingers, entwining his fingers together.
“Yes or no?” he asked.
“I don’t like girls, so your question before if I’m gay, yes, I guess I’ll get beaten up for admitting it now,” he said looking down at his hands.
“I won’t tell if you don’t,” I said.
“Tell who about what? You’ve told me nothing really compared to what I’ve told you,” he said looking up again, his eyes capturing mine, those piercing hazel eyes that seem to hypnotize me in a trace, drawing me in to this emotion that I’ve never felt before in the pit of my stomach.
“No but I’m about to do something,” I said softly.
“Like?” he asked.
“This,” I answered. I pulled him in by the back of his neck, our lips crashing together, he was tense at first, but he soon melted into the kiss, his lips so soft and warm against mine. He nervously put his hand in my hair, letting his fingers grip into my hair, twisting it slightly around his thin fingers. I let my hand hold him by the back of his neck slightly rubbing against some of his soft hair, gently letting it brush the tip of my fingers. He seemed to be enjoying it, so was I… why was I? Why was I even doing this? I suddenly pulled away and got off the sofa, standing away from his temping lips and looks, facing the opposite wall.
“Umm… Bob?” he asked.
“What?” I snapped at him, turning around and looking down at him, he looked like a little child getting told off for doing something wrong, his eyes flickering from looking up at me to looking down at his hands.
“What just happened?” he asked.
“It was nothing, just don’t let anyone know or you will be in for it,” I answered harshly.
“I wouldn’t tell anyone, who would I tell? I’m not like that,” he said.
“You better not,” I said as I walked to the stairs, I just wanted to get my stuff and go.
“So it was nothing to you?” he asked.
“It was nothing,” I repeated before turning and walking up the stairs.
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