Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is Where It Starts

I Love You's

by kenzoid 1 review

The words we've all been waiting for

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-11-03 - Updated: 2010-11-04 - 1050 words - Complete

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” I heard Mikey exclaim. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light. Gerard had his arms around me still. Mikey was standing in the doorway, a disgusted look on his face and his jaw hanging.

“Go away!” Gerard grumbled, throwing a pillow which Mike caught and tossed aside. I sat up and pulled the blanket over my chest. We both weren’t wearing anything.

Mikey shook his head and made his way across the room, kicking our clothes out of his path.

“Don’t look so pissed Mikey. It’s not like you would’ve gotten any sleep if you had come home last night.” Gerard said slyly, winking at me. I laughed and jokingly slapped him on the arm.

“You were louder than I was.” I said in a matter-of-fact tone. Gerard laughed.

“True. I tend to make a lot of noise in the sack.” He said. I blushed and laughed even more.

“Could you not?!” Mikey yelled, looking disgruntled. This only made us laugh harder.

“Hey Mikey, will you hand me my underwear?” I asked, still chuckling. Mikey rolled his eyes and picked the frilly garment off the floor and handed it to me along with my bra. I slipped my undies on under the covers and hooked my bra with my back turned to Mikey. Gerard pulled on his boxers and walked over to his dresser. He fished out some pajamas and I put my clothes back on.

“Mom and dad are home. So are grandma and grandpa.” Mikey said once we were fully clothed. “Their gonna wonder why she’s here so early.”

“They’ll figure it out.” Gerard said. I had never met his grandparents before. I walked over to the bathroom and wished I hadn’t seen my reflection. I looked an absolute horror. I had dark rings under my eyes and my hair was pilled in a giant scraggly knot on my head. Gerard came in behind me and kissed my cheek.

“Do you have a hair brush?” I asked, almost laughing at how my hair looked. Gerard handed me one that looked like it had never been used. It took a total of twenty minutes to get it straightened out.

“We have a spare tooth brush if you wanna use it.” Gerard offered. I felt relieved. I didn’t have one on me because I hadn’t been expecting to spend the night. I brushed my teeth frowned when I remembered I didn’t have my make up either.

“What’s wrong Babes?” Gerard asked.

“I don’t have my make up with me.” I said

“Shut up! You look gorgeous anyway!” Gerard said, kissing my cheek again and making me smile widely.

“GERARD!!! MIKEY!!! BREAKFAST IS READY!” called a loud female voice that wasn’t Gerard’s mom.

“That’s my grandma.” Gerard said, putting his arm around me and leading me upstairs.

The entire house was filled with the sent of pancakes and syrup. My stomach growled like a rabid dog as we all took our seats at the table. Everybody had raised eyebrows at me and I could feel my cheeks burning.

“Oh! I didn’t know you had a friend over. Here let me get you a plate…” Donna said when she spotted me. She dashed back in the kitchen and returned with a heaping pile of pancakes that were steaming.

“Um, grandma, grandpa, this is my girlfriend Babette.” Gerard said. Everybody was staring at me except Mikey, who had already dug in.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I said, extending my hand and smiling. His grandma, who was sitting next to me, shook it. She had a strong grip, but her hands were wrinkly and varicose.

“I hope you used protection.” She said as she let go. I felt my face fall.

“Elena!” Donna and Don said in unison.

“Grandma!” Gerard said. I was dying of embarrassment and Mikey was choking on his food because he was laughing so hard.

After that nobody talked the rest of breakfast. The awkward was so thick you could’ve cut it with a knife. We all ate quietly and when we finished, Gerard said he would take me home.

“It was nice seeing you again.” Donna said, smiling at me apologetically. I grinned back.

“It was nice seeing you too.” I said.

Gerard and I got in the car and let out a sigh of relief. I felt the tension lift from my shoulders as he pulled out of the driveway.

“Sorry about that. My grandma is a pretty blunt person.” He said when we pulled onto the main road.

“Its okay. She was just making sure that we were careful.” I said, taking a breath. Gerard laughed loudly and put his arm around me.

The thing about living a state away from each other is that it took a while to get home. We had to wait for the ferry, and then we had to take a taxi to my house. But when we finally got there, Gerard stopped me before I went inside.

“Hey, do you have any…regrets about last night?” he asked in a hushed tone. His face was only inches from mine and his breath smelled like cigarettes.

“God no!” I said. “Why, do you?”

“No, you just seemed really quiet last night and this morning.” He said. I made an “o” shape with my mouth.

“I just didn’t really know what to say.” I admitted.

“Me neither.” He said. I could see every little sparkle in his hazel eyes and every single one of his black eyelashes. “But I think I know now.” I waited for him to continue.

“I love you.” He said sincerely, raising his eyebrows. I felt a smile spread across my face.

“I love you too.” I mumbled. He leaned down and gave me the sweetest, softest kiss I had ever received. He pulled away and said goodbye. As he walked away, I wanted to tell him to stay but I knew he had to get home.

Maybe we had things backwards. Maybe your supposed to love the person before you have sex with them. I didn’t really care. Things were great just the way they were.
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